Friday 19 July 2013



CHRIST’ is definitely not the surname of Jesus!
The Lord’s name is Jesus. It was the name taken by Jehovah / Yahweh (God the Father) when He came down on earth and took a human form.
          Jesus was born to Mary and His foster father Joseph. The Israelites did not have a surname.
          Therefore the Lord was known as: ‘Jesus, the Son of Joseph.’

          JESUS is the Greek form of Joshua, which means ‘the Lord saves’.
          There are many people then, and even today who have the name    ‘Jesus’. But it was only the Lord Who did the saving!

          CHRIST is not part of the Lord’s name. Rather it’s a title.
          “THE CHRIST” (Greek) and “THE MESSIAH” (Hebrew) both mean “THE ANOINTED ONE”.
          Before, during the time of Jesus, and even till today, the Jews still await the coming of the Messiah. When God spoke to them at Mount Horeb, they were so terrified that God promised to send His Messiah, Who is none other than God in the flesh.

          Jesus claimed to be the Messiah; that is the Christ. He always claimed to be God, saying, “I and the Father are one!”
           Unfortunately, to their own detriment, they rejected Him.
           At His trial they wanted to know whether He was the Christ. So they asked Him whether He was the ‘Son of God,’ a title used for God.
          And when Jesus replied that they were right in such an assumption, there was no further trial. (Luke 22: 66 – 71).
          And so they crucified Him!
          Of course, He rose on the third day!
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:


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