Friday 19 July 2013



          Till recently scientists believed that the universe was created from a singularity that came ‘from nowhere and no when’. With the help of the Big Bang theory this singularity exploded outwards explaining the expanding universe.
          Now, they believe that there originally existed a universe, which for some reason or the other, imploded or shrank (obviously becoming one without form and an empty waste), till it became a singularity and then expanded, to form our universe.
          The Bible does speak of such a world, of beauty and grandeur before our universe came into existence. And then speaks of one, ‘without form and an empty waste,’ (Genesis 1:2), a starting point for our universe.
           But there definitely was a dimension. And by studying this dimension we will get some idea of a dimension other than our own.

          It was a world created for the spiritual or angelic beings, the most beautiful of them being Lucifer. (Ezek. 28: 12,13). That was before he rebelled and fell from grace.
          Everything created has to move forward in time, or stop and be destroyed. Similarly, in the dimension of Lucifer and the angels, there had to be a ‘time’, and this ‘time’ had to move forward.

           We see his fall from grace because God said to him: ‘You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created until iniquity and guilt were found in you.’ (Ezek.28:15).
          ‘……….and you sinned; therefore I cast you out as a profane thing from the mountain of God and the guardian cherub drove you out from the midst of the stones of fire.’ (Ezek. 28:16, 17).
          We see that a definite sequence of events took place.
          In our world or dimension, when we have a past, present and future, we denote it as TIME!
          In the world of angel, we cannot call it ‘time’ because angels and demons do not age like us.
          Therefore, we will call this time period of theirs as: ‘PRE-TIME’!
          We have to keep in mind two important points.  
          There was a ‘time’ before the creation of time when there was no time. And there will be a ‘time’ after the end of time when there will be no time.

          Though there was a sequence of events, all happening in ‘pre-time’, yet the ‘dimension of time’ they lived in was different from that of ours, with its past, present and future. There was no going back once a decision was made. We see this in the Gospel of Luke, (8:26-39).
          A man has been possessed by a Legion of demons, who beg of Jesus not to torture them by sending them into the Abyss. They appealed to the compassionate heart of Jesus, Who delivered the man and sent the demons into a herd of pigs.
          All they had to do was to repent and ask Jesus to forgive them (as he does us) and they would have been reinstated as angels once again. But, unlike us, this option was unavailable to them.

          This dimension is not only interesting, but absolutely fascinating!
          Our dimension of SPACE, (length, breadth and height), is absolutely different in the heavenly dimension.
          The heavenly dimension does have boundaries, but not like the ones we have.
          Firstly, after the rebellion and fall, Lucifer (now Satan), and the fallen angels, (now demons), were cast out from the Garden of Eden, leaving God and the good angels behind. Yet Satan was able to go into God’s presence when he went to take God’s permission to attack Job. (Job 1:6-12).          
          Secondly, the spiritual beings are not boxed inside their heavenly dimension. The angels are simultaneously here on earth, guarding little children, and at the same time gazing on the face of God. (Matt. 18:10).   

          Heavenly Eden contained ‘matter’.
          The heavenly Garden of Eden, which was the home of Lucifer, (as pictured in the twenty eighth chapter of Ezekiel) contained precious stones and precious metals.
          The precious stones mentioned were: carnelian, topaz, jasper, chrysolite, beryl, onyx, sapphire, carbuncle and emerald. And the settings and sockets were wrought in gold. (Ezek. 28:13).
          Were these precious stones and metals literally present in the garden?
          I don’t think so!
          But, just as there was ‘pre-time’, there was ‘pre-matter’.
          But how could God (outside our Time-Space-Matter dimension), speaking through His prophet Ezekiel, (bound in our TSM dimension), explain about ‘pre-matter’, (something which is outside our TSM dimension) to us (who are bound in a TSM dimension)?
          The only way God could do so was by using terms with which we are familiar. And so, to describe the beauty of heaven, He used the most beautiful and precious things available here on earth.

          We have already seen that God created the heavenly Eden for the angelic beings.
          But for Adam and Eve, He created the earthly Eden: ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth’ (Gen.1:1).
          But when we read the very next line we come across something totally strange and alien:
          ‘The earth was without form and an empty waste, and darkness was upon the face of the very great deep.’ (Gen. 1:2A).

Did God create this vast wasteland for us?
          Definitely not! Because, through His prophet Isaiah, God speaks: ‘Who created the heavens, God Himself, Who formed the earth and made it, Who established it and did not create it to be a worthless wasteland; He formed it to be inhabited – I am the Lord, and there is no one else.’ (Isa. 45:18).
          Then, if God did not create it to be a worthless wasteland, then how did it deteriorate into something so awful from the beautiful garden God had originally intended it to be? And created?
          Because something terrible had happened to the original heavens and earth God had created.
          And we see these terrible happenings in the book of Ezekiel (Chapter 28).
          Lucifer, the light bearer, sinned, and was cast out as Satan! And sin caused desolation here on earth.
          But God did not allow it to remain a desolate waste, but changed it into a beautiful vegetable Garden of Eden, with plants and trees.
          But life needed ‘time’ to survive and live. And therefore, the first thing God did to change the environment, and make it livable, was to create ‘time’ from our ‘pre-time’ (or whatever time the earth was then subjected to).
          Thus our TIME was created, and had a definite beginning: ‘And God said, let there be light; and there was light.’ (Gen.1:3).
          God then proceeded to create birds, fish, animals, vegetation and man.
          Therefore, Adam and Eve were put into an Eden bound by time-space-matter. This Eden on earth, which had been rendered desolate by Lucifer’s sin, had been renovated for man’s benefit.
          But what about the original ‘heavens’ that had been created in the beginning? (Gen.1:1).
          It remained as it was, because God had expelled Lucifer and the fallen angels, and now contained only the good angels.
          However, Satan and the demons are still under the influence of ‘pre-time’, because without it, they would be annihilated.
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:



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