Friday 12 July 2013



          By narrating this tale I will demonstrate how invaluable a bride’s dowry is.

          This is an incident that took place in Africa. A certain young man who attained marriageable age went to his parents and asked them to find a suitable bride for him.
          “Do you have anyone in mind?” asked his father. When he mentioned a beautiful young girl from the next village, his parents smiled. They had seen the two of them together during the recent festivities that brought all the surrounding villages together.
          Their families were known to each other and so, according to tradition, the boy’s father, along with the elders of the village, visited the girl’s village so that the two sides could iron out the marriage details.
          Now according to the custom of the place a dowry had to be given. After a little wrangling it was agreed that the boy’s side would have to give a gift of one bull to the girl’s parents. And in addition, a cow. Or if they found it difficult, then at least a goat.
          The girl’s side was happy with the arrangements but one never knew how the best made plans could go awry.

          On the day of the wedding the bride, decked up in all her finery, sat along with her mother and the other women of the village. The men sat nearby.
          Soon they heard the groom’s party approach with singing and musical accompaniment. Their view was blocked by a small hillock situated at the entrance to the village and also the fact that the road into the village curved around the hillock. But they knew that at any moment the groom, along with the guests would arrive.

          Even as they waited in suspense, around the bend came a large bull. The crowd was on their feet clapping and cheering.
          But the bride was tense. She knew that the next few moments would decide her future.
           She prayed: ‘’ Please, oh God, please. Let it be a cow. I promise I will do anything for my in-laws. I will look after the animals, grow a small vegetable garden and even help my future husband as he farms the land, this in addition to all the chores as a wife and a mother. But please God, please, let it be a cow.”   
          There were two reasons for this. She was an only child and a cow would help her parents in their old age. But the more important reason was that the elders of the village had told their wives about the cow. And they in turn had gossiped to all the women in the village.
          And thus she would be evaluated in the next few moments. And even as she looks with baited breath, around the bend came a beautiful, magnificent goat!

          And her world came crashing down around her. She wanted to run away and hide herself.
           A huge hush fell upon the whole place.
          But in the midst of the silence one person began clapping. She looked to the source of this ridiculous gaiety. It was her father.
          It’s only a goat, she wanted to scream. But even as he continued clapping he turned to her smiling encouragingly.
          And then she remembered what he had taught her from her very childhood: Always thank God, be happy in every circumstance and make the best of everything.
          With a glint in her eyes and with a new determination, she scrambled to her feet and began clapping as she smiled back at her father. And then her mother and all the rest of the women followed suit, and they were soon joined by the men-folk.

          But suddenly all the clamor abated. There was a sudden hush as everyone stared ahead. The bride looked up, wondering what had caused this sudden reaction.
          And when she saw that the first goat had been followed by a second goat, she was perplexed. And even as she watched, two more goats were led in followed by two more until there were twenty four goats.
          And then two of the most magnificent cows that anyone could have imagined, joined the procession. These were followed by two more and so on until there were twelve of these magnificent creatures.
          Then a second magnificent bull arrived to join the first. And two more and so forth until there were twelve bulls.
          Sheer pandemonium had broken out. Orders were given to bring food and water for the animals. People were running around everywhere. The bride didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
           Her father continued beaming as he had done before, not fully comprehending that in the preceding few moments he had become the richest man in the village.
          The wedding was a huge success, one that would be remembered for many years to come.
           Late that night when the celebrations were drawing to a close, the elders of the bride’s village came up to the bridegroom’s father and, with broad smiles on their faces, asked, “We had agreed upon one bull and one cow. What is the meaning of all this?”
          “It was my son’s idea,” was his gently reply.
          They sent for the young man, and when he and his bride came up to the elders and made obeisance, they asked the bridegroom the reason for this extravagance
           He replied: “One bull and one cow was the value you set for my bride. But I value her much, much more than that!

           One day God looked down from heaven and saw humanity lost in sin and destined for eternal damnation.
          What will save them? Could the blood of bulls and sheep suffice? The cattle on a thousand hills are Mine! Mankind is much more valuable than that. What is the value of their ransom?
           So God decided to come down from heaven onto the earth as Jesus Christ and die on the cross as a ransom for mankind so that all who accepted Him as Lord and Savior would be saved.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: When I read about the above incidence in its basic simplicity, I spiced it up to make it more interesting.
However the ‘FOOTNOTE’ is entirely my own addition.
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:


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