Friday 31 October 2014



The question: When I was very young, I asked my father, “Dad, what is it that God cannot do?”
          “Sin!” answered my dad. “God cannot sin!”

       “No!” I countered. “It’s something God wished He could do, but cannot.” And then continued, “God cannot undo the past. If I dropped a cup, and it shattered, there was absolutely no way that such an act could be denied, or anything done to alter the fact as it has already taken place.”
          Can you imagine an Omnipresent, Omnipotent Omniscient God unable to undo the past?!
          Forgiveness of sins is essentially God undoing the past!!
          And in order to understand how He accomplishes this, we have to understand that man is ‘contained’ or limited in the three dimensional world of space-time, and God isn't. He is outside our dimension of time, because He is Omnipresent.
          Omnipresence not only means that He is everywhere at the same time. It also means that He is eternally present throughout time.
          Therefore when we repent, and He forgives us our sins, He essentially goes back in time and undoes the wrong we have done.
          It is as though we have never sinned in the first place!



Therefore the Lord says: “I, even I, am He Who blots out your transgressions……….and remembers your sin s no more.” (Isaiah 43: 25).
          “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” (Isaiah 1: 18).
          “Your sins will be wiped out.” (Acts 3: 19).
          As some man of God said: “When you repent and are forgiven by Lord Jesus, you become as pure as the Blessed Virgin Mary!”
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

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