Thursday 9 October 2014



The kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness!

          The two kingdoms are at war with each other. God’s kingdom is the kingdom of light, as opposed to Satan’s kingdom, which is the kingdom of darkness. And therefore, any dealing with Satan’s kingdom (i.e. occult practices in any form), are totally unacceptable to God, and therefore forbidden by Him.
          If we scrumble to any temptation, urged on by greed for material gain, we will have to face the consequences of disease, death and banishment from God.

Therefore, God strongly warns:
          No sacrifice to demons. (Leviticus 17:7).
          No passing through fire [of Molech]. (Leviticus 18:21).
          No mediums or diviners amongst God’s people. (Leviticus19:31)
No making of graven images or idols. (Leviticus 26:1),
No worship of the sun or of the moon. (Deuteronomy 4:25),
No tolerating fortune tellers or magicians. (Deuteronomy 18:12-12),
No making of images to be put into secret places. (Deuteronomy27:15),
No communicating with the dead. (Isaiah 65:4),
This is because God will not share His glory with idols. (Isaiah 42:8).

          ‘And no one considers in his mind, nor has he knowledge and understanding [enough] to say [to himself], I have burnt part of this log in the fire, and also I have baked bread on its coals and have roasted meat and eaten it. And shall I make the remainder of it into an abomination [the very essence of what is disgusting, detestable and shamefully vile in the eyes of a jealous God]? Shall I fall down and worship the stock of a tree [a block of wood without consciousness or life]?’
Dire consequences of idol worship: Those involved in such practices will perish, will be utterly destroyed. (Deuteronomy 4:26).
          If idol-worshippers are not driven away, they will be a continuous thorn in one’s side, and God’s wrath, which has been reserved for idol-worshippers, will be theirs. (Numbers 33:55, 56).
Consequences when Israel’s kings who dabbled in the occult!
King Jeroboam: (1Kings. 12:28-13:33).

          The king has two golden calves made, and the people worshipped them, and sinned. The Lord gives a sign of His anger: altar is split and the ashes are poured out. The king’s hand, which was pointed to the prophet (to have him captured), dries up. The king asks the man of God to intercede for him. God hears the man and the king’s hand is restored. King sins by making high places (for idol worship). King’s dynasty abolished and destroyed.
King Ahaziah: (2Kings. 1:2-4).
          The king falls and injures himself. In order to know whether he will recover from his illness, sends messengers to ask of Bal-Zebub, the god of the unbelieving Philistines. The prophet Elijah challenges the messengers, and prophesies that king Ahaziah will not recover but die.
God loathes the occult! (Because the occult causes our destruction. And God loves us.)
Idol worshippers were so dangerous, that God orders his people to:
Destroy the idols. (Numbers 33:52).
Destroy the altars used in idol worship. (Deuteronomy 7: 1, 2, 5).
The idol worshippers were stoned to death. (Deuteronomy 17: 2-7).
His prophets not to prophesy to idol worshippers. (Ezek. 14: 9, 10).
1) God makes Solomon wise: This wisdom was not just worldly wisdom, because it was said that: ‘Solomon’s wisdom exceeded the wisdom of all the people of the East and all the wisdom of Egypt.’ (1Kings.4:3).
2) Battle between the prophets of God and the false prophets:
          False prophets had led the Israelites astray. And so, instead of worshiping the true God, Jehovah, worshiped the false god Baal!

          Elijah asked the people for two bulls. He then allowed the prophets of Baal, to choose one, and offer it up as a sacrifice. Elijah too would do the same, but neither camp was allowed to put fire to their offering.
          The prophets of Baal offered their bull as a sacrifice. And, although they cried out to their god, even cutting themselves until the blood flowed, nothing happened.
          That same evening, Elijah slaughtered his bull and offered it up on the altar. He even put water on the sacrifice until it overflowed into the surrounding trench. Then Elijah called to the Lord. And the Lord answered.
          The fire of the lord fell and consumed the sacrifice, the wood, the stones and the water.
          ‘…………when the people saw it, they fell on their faces and, the Lord, He is God! (1Kings.18:23-39).
          And all the false prophets were slaughtered. (1Kings. 18:40).
3) When Moses and Aaron were in front of pharaoh, the serpents of the former two devoured the serpent of pharaoh, showing a spiritual power and superiority over that of Pharaoh.

           The battle was fought and won for us on the cross, by our Lord Jesus Christ, two thousand years ago. And so we do not have to battle him, but only his lies. And we do so by standing firmly on the truth- the Bible!

           ‘For though we walk (live) in the flesh, we are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons. For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds, [Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we leas every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ [the Messiah, the Anointed One].’ (2Cor. 10:3-5)- New paraphrased Bible.

OUR ARMOUR: Lord Jesus Christ is our armour! So we put on:
Helmet of salvation: we are saved and nothing can change that!
Breast plate of righteousness: we are righteous because of Christ.
Girdle of truth: for every temptation and attack from Satan, counter it with God’s Word  - Bible Scripture.
Footwear of peace: peace because we are firmly in Christ and nothing can take away our salvation.
The shield of faith: be confident of God’s Word.
The sword, the word of God: deflect Satan’s word, and counter attack with God’s Word.
Do not give the devil a foothold. (Ephesians 4:27).
Have no fellowship with darkness. (Ephesians 5:11, 12).
Do not sin: The secret: know God- no sin (1John 3:6, 9).

          There are numerous examples of demon possessed people being delivered by Jesus. (Mathew 8:29). (Luke.4:34), (James 2:19), (Luke 4:33,35,36) (Luke 6:18).
          ‘And these attesting signs will accompany those who believe; in My name they will drive out demons……..’ (Mark 16:17).
          ‘And seeing signs and miracles of great power, which was being performed, he was utterly amazed’. (Acts 8:13).
          ‘And the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet’. (Romans 16:20).

           Fasting keeps you mentally alert. It’s also a way to humble yourself before God. Prayer and regular Bible reading builds up your faith and keeps you in tune with God.
          Lord Jesus had taken with Him Peter, John and James, leaving the remaining nine disciples behind.
           After His transfiguration on the mount, when they returned, a man brings his son, who was possessed by an evil spirit to Jesus, so that he could be healed. The boy’s father complained to Jesus that His nine disciples were unable to successfully deliver the boy from the evil spirit.

          Jesus successfully delivers the boy why they were unable to do the same.
          Jesus: ‘And He replied to them, This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer and fasting.’ (Mark 9:29).
          Prayer and fasting are essential. But your mental attitude is of greater importance! Because prayer and fasting are conducted essentially to become like minded with Christ.
          Jesus had taken three of His disciples with Him, leaving the remaining nine behind. And it is these nine who couldn’t conduct the deliverance, because their minds were disturbed.

PRAYER OF DELIVERANCE: (To be said aloud).
          In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the power of His precious Blood, I take spiritual authority over you Satan and all your demonic forces of (name them: fear, depression, illness, disease, death, cancer, AIDS etc.), and bind them in the bonds of the Holy Spirit and cast them off, sending them to the feet of Jesus, never to return, declaring Jesus as the Lord of …………’

          Evil spirits can harass you through other persons, animals, insects or through inanimate objects. (It is said aloud).
          In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit I command you (name them) to cease your activity against me right now.
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

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