Saturday 4 October 2014


          People use Satan and his kingdom for personal gain, not realizing that they have much more to lose in the future.
Reason behind divination/fortune telling:

          There are psychics who are able to foretell the future. They also have the ability to uncover hidden secrets. These people do not have any mental power or faculty to achieve this. They do so because of the demonic spirits that speak into their minds and give them the necessary information.
          We see this clearly illustrated when Paul and Silas were in Philippi, a city in Macedonia. There was a slave girl who was possessed by the spirit of divination, because of which she was able to foretell the future, and thereby earn a lot of money for her owners. But when Paul ordered the spirit within her, in the name of Jesus Christ, to come out of her, it obeyed. And she lost her power. (Acts 16:6-9).

          When some people lose a loved one, they go to a medium with the intention of communicating with the dead person. And sometimes they succeed. The dead person appears and even speaks to them.
          In reality, it is actually a demon who appears in the guise of the dead person, partly to tell the mourner what he wants to hear, and partly to tell him what the demon wants to tell the person, since his confidence has already been won.
APPARITIONS: From time to time, great men and women of the Bible have appeared to people as ‘apparitions’. These apparitions of ‘saints’ are nothing but a hoax of Satan and his demons. The reason for this subterfuge? Simple! The main focus of Satan is to turn our worship away from God and onto himself. When people pray to the ‘saints’ who appear in these apparitions, Satan succeeds in what he wants to achieve.
          Down through the ages, millions of people around the world have received healing and obtained favors, as a result of praying to idols.
          Satan and his demons, (and not God), are the cause of accidents, misfortunes, disease, calamity and death. And since Satan can bring about these problems, he can just as easily take them away and bring about a healing. The result – people’s faith in these idols is all the more re-enforced. And the focus and worship is shifted away from the true God, Jesus Christ!
          But why would God allow this? Because we are endowed with a free will. If these people, instead, turn to Lord Jesus and develop a relationship with Him, they will not only receive a spiritual healing, but an emotional as well as a physical healing as well.


          Deep down, the motive that drives men to idol worship, is self will and non-submissiveness (Ezekiel 14:4), and this brings about an estrangement from God (Ezekiel 14:5).
My next article (Part 5), deals with: ‘Victory over powers of darkness’.
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

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