Wednesday 1 October 2014


Activity of Satan and his demons:
          They tempt people to act against the will of God.

They cause disease, death and calamity. (Book of Job).
How Satan attack humans: By oppression, obsession and possession!
 These are different degrees to which Satan torments human beings.
          People are oppressed or harassed by him. If in a greater degree, we get obsession. And when he takes complete control, then he or his demons possess the person.
          Christian believers cannot be possessed, because: ‘he who is united with the Lord becomes one spirit with Him’ (1Corinthins 6:17).
          But they can be oppressed and harassed by evil spirits.
          Many persons with mental problems like OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) go to psychologists and psychiatrists, when all they require is prayer and deliverance from obsession.
Possession: There are several examples in the Gospels:

          A Canaanite woman’s daughter (Mathew 15:22). A man under the power of the Holy Spirit (Mark 1:23). The man who lived among the tombs, who was possessed by, not one, but by a lesion of evil spirits(Mark 5: 2-9). All delivered by the lord!
          And we have the best example of possession, when Satan entered Judas, and took complete of him. (John 13:2).
Modus operandi of Satan (and his demons);
SATAN IS A LIAR: he operates basically through lies!
          Lord Jesus speaks strongly: ‘………there is no truth in him (Satan). When he speaks a false hood, he speaks what is natural to him, for he is a liar and the father of lies, and all that is false. (John 8:44).
HIS EXISTANCE: One of the greatest lies he propagates is that he does not exist. This lulls most people into a false sense of security. And once he succeeds in this lie, he is safe to carry on his nefarious activities, because the question of spiritual warfare does not arise.
TRUTH ABOUT OURSELVES: Satan does not want us to learn the Biblical truth about right or wrong, about salvation in Christ Jesus alone, about the cross and about the resurrection of Jesus.
SATAN & A POOR SELF IMAGE/ POOR SELF WORTH: he continuously tells us that we are worthless and useless- and we gradually believe him. He also calls us ‘sinners’. We can counter this lie by looking at ourselves the way the Lord looks at us. And we are definitely not sinners! We are saints who sin occasionally!
 (Read in this blog: ‘We are saints, not sinners.’)

          Thirteen witches have a coven and conduct their ritual from mid-night to three in the morning-after which they release the demons, which go forth and torment the people with anxiety, panic and nightmares.
          If you ever go through such an experience, fear not!
           Take the name of the Lord Jesus.
          Peter calls Satan a roaring lion. (1Peter 5:8).

          Because the lion catches his prey by roaring so ferociously, that the poor animal is paralyzed with fear and cannot even flee.
          When, not if, attacked by fear, do not fear! Realize that the source of all fear is Satan. So, stand firm in the Lord Jesus. And Satan and his demons will flee.
NOTE: When the Bible speaks of the ‘fear of God’ it’s definitely not the same, because here we have the ‘reverential fear of God’. It’s what we experience in His awesome presence.
MECHANICS OF TEMPTATION: Satan and his demons cannot read man’s mind. It is only when we speak out aloud, that the demonic forces are able to hear, and decipher our thoughts.

          Most times, these demonic beings cannot be seen. When we read about the temptation of Jesus in the desert, (Luke- chapter four), we get the impression that there was a face to face dialogue between the two. It probably wasn’t so. Satan put thoughts into the mind of Jesus, even going to the extent of making these thoughts appear to have originated in Jesus. And Jesus countered them by quoting Scripture.
           For thousands of years Satan has studied human nature, and he knows man’s strengths and weaknesses. He puts thoughts in our mind and sees how we respond.
For example a sexual temptation will cause sexual arousal, and these physical changes are noted by him, and noted to be used in the future.
The next article (part 4) is: Not giving Satan a foothold.
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

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