Thursday 16 October 2014


          Germs or infection was used by God’s people, the Israelites, to destroy their enemies! They understood biological warfare!
          Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Dinah: She was Jacob’s daughter, and she was abducted and raped by Shechem, the son of the local ruler of the Hivites. The entire family was filled with grief and fury, but they had to bide their time.
          When the ruler approached them for the hand of Dinah in marriage, to the very lad who had raped her, they knew how to turn the situation to their advantage. They promised intermarriage between the two tribes, but first insisted that the ruler, his son as well as all the males of the tribe undergo circumcision, as was the custom of the Israelites, and they had to conform to it. Seeing the large amount of livestock, property and other animals possessed by Jacob’s tribe, they readily agreed, and underwent circumcision.


          Three days later, when they were in pain, two of Jacob’s sons, Simeon and Levi attacked and killed every male, saved Dinah and took everything, including women and children, as plunder. (Genesis 34: 1-29).
Biological Warfare: Don’t you think it strange that just two of Jacob’s sons, probably along with a few of their men, were able to overpower and kill all of Shechem’s men, with hardly any resistance? Three days after a circumcision, no man is so incapacitated, that he is unable to fight for his life.
          This was because the Israelites used biological warfare in the form of infection producing germs! They understood cleanliness because they were told to dig a hole when they had to defecate, and then cover the excreta and not leave it exposed. (Deuteronomy 23: 12-14).   Circumcision was practiced routinely from the time of Abraham, and they knew the precautions they had to take to keep the wound clean and healthy.


          Shechem’s tribe was unaccustomed to undergo circumcision. Therefore they must have asked the Israelites to help with the procedure. And Jacob’s men conducted the circumcisions themselves, but infected the wound. The result: the wound got infected, resulting in severe pain and pus formation.

           The inguinal glands situated in the groin swelled considerably, making movement very painful, or even impossible. Some would develop septicemia: high fever, chills, nausea, vomiting and total incapacitation!
          The resultant battle was a walkover!
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

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