Sunday 1 March 2015


          “My daughter’s a stripper!” Cried out an anguished mother to a pastor! To which he asked her, “Have you thanked God for it?”

     “And why would I ever thank God for something so terrible?” she asked, taken aback.
          “Because, by thanking God, you get every situation under His will and control!” (Note: one does not thank God that she was a stripper).
          Thank Him for everything! We strongly believe that everything good comes from God, and that we should thank Him only when the going’s good. And that we should!
          But how should we react when accidents, disease or calamity assails us. Do we rightly blame the devil? Or worse still, blame God? It would seem ridiculous, to a devout Christian, to thank God at a time like this, thereby indicating that He is the cause of this disaster.
          But thanking Him is what we should rightly do, especially when times are bad! Not because He is the author of our misfortunes, but because, by doing so, we bring the situation under His will. And act, He will definitely do!!
The stripper daughter: The moment the mother thanked God, He took control. A committed Christian was passing the club and the Lord told him to enter. He did so with great reluctance. But once inside, he was confronted with the daughter doing a pole dancing. As the other customers were jeering, he, not knowing what to say, blurted out, “Jesus loves you.”
          After her performance, the astonished girl came to his table. And he was able to give her the Gospel Message. She accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior. And returned home!
          Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

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