Thursday 19 February 2015


          HEAVEN’S FEARSOME GOD! The Old Testament depicts God the Father as an angry, fearful and revengeful God! But this is only towards His enemies.

          What is He really like? The Bible depicts Him as a powerful King, filled with majesty and splendor.
          And to His children, He is a loving Father, slow to anger and abounding in love.
          But the problem arises for those who have had a horrible childhood, born to tyrannical, abusive or an alcoholic father. Or have seen their friends or neighbors, having to endure the same. And these memories haunt them throughout their lives.
CAESAR and his son: Once, after his many conquests, the triumphant Caesar was leading his victorious army through a tumultuous and jubilant Rome. He was in his chariot surrounded by his generals.

          Suddenly, his son, a mere child, darted forward, climbed onto Caesar’s chariot and threw his arms around his father’s leg. The generals, who considered Caesar as god, were aghast.
          “What are you doing?” they cried out. “Don’t you know that’s Caesar?!”

          To which the boy calmly turned to them, and said, “To you he’s Caesar. To me, he’s my dad!”
          Dear friends, God the Father, as depicted in the nature of Jesus, loves you, and cares for you. If you look at God as a tyrant, then your perception of Him needs to change, so that you can visualize Him as He really is. Seeing Him in the Person of Jesus, especially when you read the Old Testament, helps greatly.

          Even for a horrible childhood, there is inner healing in Jesus.
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

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