Saturday 28 March 2015


          Although the Lord did not shirk from His responsibility but went willingly to His death by crucifixion, He knew what was in store for Him.
          Death by crucifixion does not occur, either because of severe agonizing pain, or bleeding, but as a direct result of asphyxia, i.e. cutting off of the oxygen supply to the lungs.
MECHANICS OF CRUCIFIXION: Unlike popular belief, the nails that pierce the hands do not pass through the palms.

          Rather, the nails have to pass through the wrist.
THE FOOT REST: The feet of the crucified person rest on a small wooden wedge. And we will soon see why this wedge is necessary.
KEEPING ALIVE: Death is by asphyxiation occurs because the crucified person, who is literally hanging by his wrists, is unable to breath. And so, in order to suck air into his lungs, he has to pull himself up, using his pierced hands to do so, while simultaneously pressing down on the foot rest, beneath his feet, which too have also been pierced.
          The instinct for survival is so strong, that it may take several days for him to ultimately weaken, give up and die.
          To hasten death, Roman soldiers often broke the knees of those crucified, so that they were unable to lift themselves up any more.
JESUS AND CRUCIFIXION: Calvary weighed heavily on His mind. “During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, He offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the One Who could save Him from death…..” (Hebrews 5:7).
 GETHSEMANE: He showed us that He was human, (so we can identify with Him), by His prayer, “Now My heart is troubled, and what shall I say” ‘Father save Me from this hour? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father glorify Your Name!” (John 12: 27).

          He had a job to do. And He would complete it. But He was no masochist, and would have done anything to evade the torment He would have to go through.
          But there was none! And so He accepted crucifixion………. for you and for me.

Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

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