Wednesday 18 March 2015


Counselor’s personal problem: They may be very professional, highly trained and well qualified. They may even be born-again pastors, with several churches under their control.
          But, more often than not, these counselors have unresolved issues, which they, knowingly or unknowingly, pass on to their clients with, resulting in more harm than good.

          If you are being counseled, be on your guard, lest you be led astray.
AN EXAMPLE: There was this pastor who used to advise, both married as well as unmarried couples, to ‘release their partners’.        
         On questioning him, he confessed that his wife didn't trust him, not even allowing him to even speak to another woman. His need of freedom caused his advice to be biased and unreliable.
KING SOLOMON: Considered to be the wisest of men, came out with utter rubbish. He wrote, “………man has no preeminence over a beast…..” (Ecclesiastes 3:19).

          The Bible does not teach this, because God’s inspired Word, is infallible! “Every Scripture inspired of God is also profitable for teaching………..reproof……….correction, for instruction……….in righteousness.” (II Timothy 3:16).
          Then why include Samson’s nonsense in the Bible? Because it gives a startling picture for how fatal it is for even the wisest of men to substitute man’s “wisdom” for God’s wisdom, and to attempt to live by it. Solomon’s reign began with God, gold and glory. It ended with bafflement, brass and bewildered acceptance of man’s having “no preeminence over a beast,”…….man who was made “in the image and likeness of God” (Genesis 1:27) and “but little lower than God.” (Psalm 8:5).
A WARNING: When receiving council, remember that even Solomon, the wisest man, spewed nonsense. So then, be rest assured that you need to very carefully evaluate the advice you receive!
          And if you are a counselor, then diligently pray that your advice truly reflects the thoughts and heart of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

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