Friday 3 April 2015


Suffering needlessly:  A pastor who was suffering from a chronic disease had passively accepted his condition claiming that it was from God, because he thought that he was like Paul, who had been given a deformity to keep him humble!
          When I learned of this, I went to the pastor, whom I had never met before, and told him, “You are no Paul!”
          He was stunned, but gradually, as we got to know each other, he accepted the fact that he was suffering needlessly.
          All sickness, disease or deformities are from Satan, and have no part in a believer’s life! We should do everything to free ourselves.
Remaining unmarried: There are several young men in today’s Churches who do not wish to get married, claiming to be like Paul, and wanting to be fully involved in God’s ministry.

          They are fooling only themselves! They are lazy and do not wish to work hard and take on the responsibility of a family.
Paul’s ministry: He was given a thorn in the side to keep him humble. Nobody really knows what illness he had, but some guess that he suffered from facial palsy. He asked the Lord, on three occasions, to take it away, but He’s reply was, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.” (2Corinthians 12: 1-10).

          Paul needed to be kept humble because he had been shown great visions, heard inexpressible things, and had been and taken up and shown the third heaven and caught up to Paradise. (2Corinthians 12: 2).
          However, please note, that it was Satan, and not the Lord that had given him a thorn in order to torment him.
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

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