Thursday 19 September 2013



          Whenever we come to the Lord Jesus in prayer, we should be very careful to choose the right approach because, though He is our friend and brother, we should never lose sight that He is the King of kings and Lord of lords!
          In the Scripture in the Gospel of Luke (7:1-10), we see four types of people relating to Jesus.

THE JEWISH ELDERS: They were unafraid to come to Jesus and ask Him for a favor. Unfortunately their boldness was wrongly motivated. It sprung from their religious confidence as leaders who fasted and prayed correctly, with no sympathy for the poor servant who was dying, but eager to please the centurion because he had built their synagogue.
          It was these same elders who questioned Jesus from time to time with the intention of catching Him unawares, sent people to spy on Him and would ultimately reject Him as the Christ and would crucify Him.


THE SERVANT: A helpless pawn, probably a slave who received more love and appreciation from his master than the elders had for their own people.

FRIENDS OF THE CENTURION: Their respect for Jesus must have increased tenfold when they saw they saw how highly he esteemed Him. We could learn a thing or two from them.


THE CENTURION: He was a Roman, a man of authority with a hundred soldiers under him. He could easily have Jesus picked up and brought to him.
           But he was a man who lived more in the SPIRIT than in the FLESH. And therefore he could discern the spiritual authority that Jesus held over the powers of darkness that had caused the near fatal illness in his servant. And his faith was lauded by Jesus.
          This is the only way to come to Jesus, with faith and humility!
          Therefore we need to tell ourselves regularly: I am a spirit being who has a soul and lives in a body.

THE CROWD: I hope the learnt a lesson like we did.
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

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