Sunday 1 September 2013



          Soul development is basically a combined effort of both parents. But it is essentially in the hands of the mother, and starts from the very moment of conception.


          And therefore it is absolutely essential for both the father and the mother to be physically, emotionally and spiritually healthy, not necessarily in this order, both before and during the beautiful and glorious act of sexual union!

THE SOUL: As we all know, it’s made up of the intellect, will and emotions.

THE INTELLECT: Both parents should be in peace and harmony with God (Lord Jesus Christ) thereby re-establishing their vertical relationship with their Creator, if they haven’t already done so.
          And with each other, thereby re-establishing their horizontal relationship that had been severed by the sin of Adam and Eve, and is still present in our genetic code, however dormant.



                 As the baby’s brain development takes place, especially during the first trimester, that is during the first three months, a healthy well balanced diet, one rich in proteins should be imbibed by the mother. (E.g. eggs, meats, almonds, cashew nuts etc.).

THE WILL: Positive and happy thoughts should be cultivated as a matter of habit. All habits take about six weeks to develop. Therefore start practicing right from courtship, right through marriage and pregnancy, and even………….. ever after.


          Problems in marriage will always be there. Trust the Lord Jesus to take care of them. He loves to do that, because the originator of all problems is Satan, and He loves to put him down!
          Pregnancies should always be planned and babies eagerly longed for. If the conception is a mistake, accept it as a special gift from the Lord.

THE EMOTIONS: Throughout her life, especially during her pregnancy, women should be continuously showered by love – from her husband, relatives, in-laws, friends etc. A lot of hugging and embracing is advised.
          5) Put up pics of happy babies and peaceful illustrations on your walls.




            News is taboo! The word NEWS, which was derived from North, East, West and South has now come to mean:
                    Negative Exaggeration of Worldly Situations.


           If it isn't alarming, frightening and attention seeking, then it isn't news! Mothers-to-be should be careful what they mentally imbibe.
          Happy thoughts in. Happy baby out! 


THE SPIRIT: Both parents of the child should give their life to Jesus and become committed Christians. They will then, with the help of the Lord, bring up their child to walk in Christ’s ways.
And each of us has to realize that: I am a spirit being, who has a soul and lives in a body!
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:


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