Thursday 26 September 2013



As David danced in Jehovah’s sight,
Michal scorned him with all her might,
Before the King of Kings!
                                                               (2 Samuel 6:16).


The question we have to ask ourselves is:
Was Michal justified in what she did?
And was King David justified in dancing before God after what he had done to his wife Michal?
          So let us look at the whole drama from the viewpoint of Michal, David and God!
MICHAL: She loved David from her very youth. She became his wife and  when her father, the then king Saul, sent soldiers to capture David, she saved her husband by lying that he was still in bed while he made good his escape.


          During the years that David was on the run, he married other women. While the lonely Michal also remarried and had children from her second husband and was very happy with her new family.

DAVID: When he became king, though he had several wives, his first demand was that Michal be brought to him, even though her husband went crying after the carriage which was carrying his wife away from him.

          Not satisfied with a few wives, David took four hundred wives besides the three hundred concubines he possessed.

GOD: He loved David like a favorite son. He had him anointed when he was just a young shepherd and was thrilled when David, filled with righteous anger because Goliath had blasphemed Him, slew the giant in combat.

          David fully trusted God while on the run from king Saul, never taking the king’s life even when he had the opportunity to do so. (1 Samuel 24:12,13).
          David never defected to Israel’s enemies but killed them whenever he got the opportunity.

           When he became king, the first thing he did was to send gifts to the leaders of Israel, emulating Abraham who had sent tithes to Melchzedek. He was a man after God’s own heart. He openly confessed his sin with Bathsheba, with one of the most renowned Psalm, ‘Have mercy on me oh Lord.’ God forgave David but made him pay for the wrongs he did.
          God was pleased when David brought the Arc back into the city. And it was on this occasion that David, overflowing with joy, danced half naked before his Creator. And Michal laughed at him, thereby scorning him as well as God!
          We should never lose sight of the fact that the Lord is both a just as well as a merciful God! He had forgiven David. And David forgave his wife and slept with her. But God was displeased because she never conceived, which was a sign of disgrace.
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

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