Saturday 29 June 2013




          This article clearly explains how two apparently contradictory situations can co-exist simultaneously and yet not clash with each other- having our destination pre-elected on one hand and enjoying the gift of a free will on the other.

          Many people feel they are pre-destined to go to heaven or to hell.   
          Strangely, these teachings are found in the Bible!   
           (A complete study of ‘time’ is detailed in the article: UNDERSTANDING  TIME-SPACE-MATTER).

See this particular Scripture verse:

          “…..For He CHOSE us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love He PREDESTINED us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance to His pleasure and will – to the praise of His glorious grace, which He has freely given us in the One He loves. In Him we have REDEMPTION through His blood……..” (Ephesians 1:3-8)      
          And so, to understand the so called ‘unfairness’ of God we have to understand ‘TIME’.                          
          We live in this dimension of time, which is made up of a yesterday, today and a tomorrow.
          But time was not always in existence. Time, like the rest of creation was itself created. Therefore time had a beginning and will one day come to an end.
          Therefore: There was a ‘time’ before the beginning of time when there was no time. And there will be a ‘time’ after the end of time when there will be no time.
         Now God, who is the Creator of everything, including ‘time’, is outside the power or influence of time, making Him Omnipresent. He is therefore able to ‘go forward and backward’ in our time bound world.
     He can not only see what is happening in the present, but can also simultaneously view the past, as well as the future.
          It’s like watching a movie. We can scroll forward and see what is going to happen, or scroll backward and see what has already taken place.
          Free will gives us complete control of our destiny, one in which not even God will interfere.
          Now, we also have a ‘contradictory’ situation existing simultaneously, which appears as though we have absolutely no control of our destiny: because some of us have been ‘pre-destined’ to go to heaven, while others have been ‘condemned’ to eternal damnation.
           But now, armed with the knowledge of God’s Omnipresent characteristic, and ‘time’, we are able to understand how these two opposing conditions can exist simultaneously, without opposing each other!

          At any given time in our lives the gift of freewill is ours to use. If, during our entire life, we choose to exert it to oppose Lord Jesus, and reject His provision for salvation i.e. the cross, then we have chosen to live a life away from Him (which is eternal damnation).
          If on the other hand, at any given moment of our lives, we choose to accept Him and His provision for salvation, then our status instantly changes, from sinner to saint. (Read: We are saints, not sinners).

          And since He is unaffected by our ‘time dimension’, our status as a saint does not come into effect at the moment we accept Him.
      And it is not only from that moment through eternity that we attain sainthood. But our status as a saint and our position in Him goes back in time, to even before creation, so that it can be said: “He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love He pre destined us to be adopted as His sons………”

          Thus we control not only our future but also our past. The moment we change our position in Christ, from sinners to saints, we change our past status from ‘pre-elected for damnation’ to ‘pre-elected to salvation.’ 

Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:


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