Saturday 29 June 2013



          A ‘GOD’ can be anything on which you depend totally, and where your security lies. It can be your money, your lover or anything you solely depend upon.

          The people who dealt, day in and day out, in gold and amassed their wealth in gold ingots, had put up this plaque: INGOT WE TRUST.

          There was a very rich man who loved God. On his death bed he prayed: “Dear God, please let me take my wealth to heaven!”
          Michael, an angel who happened to pass by, rebuked him saying that such a thing was impossible. Undeterred, the man begged of Michael to take the message to God. And ultimately the angel relented.
          We now see both the graciousness of God as well as His sence of humour.
          When the Lord heard the request, He sent Michael back to the man with a message: “You can bring into heaven whatsoever you wish, as long as it all fits into a single suitcase.”
          The man was overjoyed. He ordered his men to convert everything into gold, find the largest suitcase they could lay their hands on, and fill it.
          Once this order was compiled with, he lay on his bed, gripped the handle of the suitcase and closed his eyes.

          When he woke up, he found himself at the Pearly Gates, face to face with St. Peter, waiting to welcome him into heaven. The rich man quickly grabbed his suitcase and was happily marching into heaven, when St. Peter stopped him.
          “You can’t take that inside with you,” he told him.  
         However nearby, watching the fun, was Michael, who intervened, telling Peter that God had allowed it.
          Peter was mystified. This was a first for him. His curiosity overwhelmed him.
          “OK” he grudgingly accepted. “But first I want to see what’s inside”.
          The rich man, not to be outdone, placed the case on the ground, threw open the lid and stepped back proudly.
          Peter stood there perplexed. 
        Then bending down he picked up one of the golden bricks, looked up to the rich man and asked him, “So you have brought stones to pave the streets?”

          As the song goes: “We shall dance on the streets that are golden,
the glorious bride and the great Son of Man.”

          One day, when all of us believers will look around and see the riches of heaven, we will be reminded of the wealth in our banks and safe deposit vaults. And regret that, instead of it being used for evangelism and missionary work, it is being squandered away by some waster who managed to get his hands on it.
        But it’s not late now!!
       Even as you read these lines, pick up the phone and call God Channel or any other deserving cause. And rich will be your rewards, both in this world as well as in the next!
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:



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