Saturday 29 June 2013



           There is a recorded incident in which man was able to harness and put to use DARK ENERGY for his own benefit.
             We could learn the technique and do the same!

        When the Israelites were fighting their enemies, Joshua their leader ordered the sun and moon to stand still in order to ensure a complete victory and a total destruction of their enemies. (Book of Joshua: Chapter 10).

GRAVITY & CENTRIFUGAL FORCES: As the earth spins or rotates on its axis, everything on earth would normally have been thrown out into space, (as droplets of water fly off a dog as he shakes his wet body).
          But this doesn’t happen because of the gravitational pull of the earth that keeps us from flying off.
          Now, in the incident of Joshua, we very well know that what appeared to be the sun standing still was actually the earth’s rotation coming to a stop.
          But when this happened, the centrifugal force (throwing us off the earth) would no longer be acting, resulting in the opposite unopposed force of gravity pushing everything onto the surface of the earth.
          But this didn’t happen! Because another force came into play, which opposed the extra force of gravity.
          And that force is DARK ENERGY!

A COUNTER ARGUMENT: The force of gravity exerted on an object is proportional to the size of the object which is exerting the gravity. E.g. the moon is six times smaller than the earth and therefore the gravitational force is also six times less, resulting in an astronaut able to leap six times the distance he would here on earth.
           And because man is so small, the gravitational force will remain the same and man will not be affected by the centrifugal forces being neutralized when the earth stops spinning.
          But how do we know this? Such a situation has never occurred for scientists to study. And if such a situation is simulated, would the results be correct?
          And don’t forget Newton’s first law of motion:
          When a body is put into a state of motion it continues in the same state of motion unless compelled by an external force to act otherwise.

SPEED OF THE EARTH’S ROTATION: Though the speed is zero at the poles, it increases and is maximum at the equator. As the diameter of the equator is about 40,000 Kilometers and the earth takes twenty-four hours for one rotation, the speed at which earth rotates is about 1,600 k.m./hr. or 1000 miles/hour.
          So imagine the earth’s rotation suddenly coming to a stop! There would be utter chaos. It’s like a vehicle at top speed breaking, not within six feet, but at a dead stop.
          And therefore there has to be some other force to counter the laws of physics that have been challenged due to the development of a situation totally new and unexpected.
          And with our present knowledge, the only force that could meet such a criteria is DARK ENERGY!

          Planets in our galaxy have to obey Sir Isaac Newton’s Laws of gravity i.e. the further they are from the centre the slower they orbit.
          But astronomers found that all stars, in distant Galaxies, move at the same speed. The only explanation was that the galaxy had more mass than one could see.

This was DARK MATTER! Its existence was proved beyond doubt by using cosmetology machines (Computer simulation), gravitational lensing etc.
          Dark matter was found to be the scaffolding on which the galaxies were built. And therefore it was considered to be something good.

DARK ENERGY: By using the Hubble telescope, astronomers came to the conclusion that the universe is expanding. But gravity should have slowed down the rate of expansion.
          But the rate of expansion is found to be increasing and that there is repulsion between the galaxies that is gradually blowing the universe apart.
          This unknown force, which opposes gravity, is called DARK ENERGY!

          Of the total mass in the universe: atoms 4-5%, dark matter 23%, and dark energy 73%.
          Dark energy appears to be growing stronger each day.
(Information from: Science Channel, Through the Worm Hole, Beyond the darkness- Episode 8).

          Therefore it was this dark energy that overcame the extra gravitational pull allowing man to function on earth when the earth stopped rotating.
          Besides neutralizing the extra gravity, dark energy caused celestial disturbance in the heavens causing the enemy to be thrown into confusion and raining down huge hail stones upon them, large enough to cause many of them to die.
          In the last few days (June 2013), in Switzerland, sudden storms and huge hailstones falling from the sky have left the people bewildered as to their cause. Any scientific connection or explanation?


      Today, if scientists could establish some connection between these celestial disturbances or changes here on earth, and the ‘physical conditions or matter that caused them, e.g. dark matter and dark energy, then by studying these effects, we could not only definitely establish proof of their presence, but predict what changes would be taking place in the future, and prepare ourselves for forthcoming natural disasters or calamities.

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