Wednesday 24 December 2014



          “The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.” (Mathew 13:45).

Me: Dear God, is the kingdom of heaven really that valuable?
God: Yes it is!
Me: Can I afford it?
God: Yes, you definitely can!
Me: Well if You say so, then I’m going to give you all my money for it.

God: I accept.
Me: (muttering to myself) Of course I need to earn a livelihood. But no problem, because I have my clinics that generate money.

God: I accept your clinics.
Me: What?! Then how will I practice medicine?
God: I accept your degrees.
 Me: I’ll have to sell the house and live in the car to generate funds.
God: I accept the house and your car. 

Me: How am I going to support my wife and kids?
God: I accept them too.
Me: Lord, I know that the kingdom is worth it all. But I am left without anything, and all alone.

God: I accept you too! But now, since everything is Mine, I give them back to you. You are now only a caretaker. The kingdom of heaven is yours, but be very careful how you manage your household, as well as your life. At the end you will have to give Me a careful account of everything.
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

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