Friday 26 December 2014


          In school I was a thin skinny kid who nobody wanted to be with. And as a result I spent most of the time by myself.

          One day a new kid joined our school. There was something special about him and so everybody wanted to be with him. Me too, but I knew that I didn’t stand a chance. So I didn’t even bother trying.
          That evening, after classes, as I trudged home all alone, I heard my name being called. I turned, and to my surprise saw the new kid, with a big smile on his face, walking quickly to catch up with me. Will wonders never cease, I thought. The kid even knows my name.

          He said that he wanted to be my friend. I shrugged. He probably didn’t know who I was. Tomorrow, when he would come to know better, he would shun me like the rest of the kids. No big deal. I didn’t think it was worth asking him his name.
          But the next morning, the very first thing he did was to seek me out. And having found me, announced loudly that he wanted to be my best friend, that’s if I would have him.
          We became the best of friends. We were inseparables.
          He even told me his name. I had never heard of such a name before. He told me that, his name, unlike the names of the other kids, had a meaning. His name meant, ‘God saves’, and that His name was ‘Jesus’.
          It was o.k. with me. All that mattered was that I now had a friend.

          One day, after a swim in the river, after we had finished devouring our sandwiches, He turned to me and said, “There is something important that I need to speak to you about.”
          “What’s it?” I asked him.
          “I am the Son of God!” He solemnly replied.
          I was too stunned to speak. Normally I would have laughed, but the look on his face told me he was dead serious. As I looked into his eyes I saw something which I had only glimpsed before: love and grace emitted so strongly that I just believed him.
          “That’s great! Now heaven is no more a problem. We can both go there”
          “Well yes, it’s no problem for Me. But for you……” He just let the words hang in the air.
          I was irritated. “Are you telling me that You are God, and that You can, and will be going to heaven, and that You’re not going to take me, Your best friend, with You?” I challenged.
          He ignored the question. And in a gentle voice asked me, “Do you trust Me?”
          “Of course I do!” I countered. And added, “With all my heart!” I was in two minds, but even if there was the slightest chance of going the heaven with Him, I didn’t want to lose the opportunity.
          “Very well then,” he replied. “I will take you to heaven.” And then He added. “But first I must die!”
          “No bloody way!!” I countered.

          “Good choice of words. I will die and it will be bloody!” And then He added, “Don’t worry. I’ll come back for you!”
          Soon they came for Him. I ran away and hid myself. They beat Him to death. Later soon good folks came and buried Him.
          Early next morning, taking some flowers, I visited His grave.
          Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped. But when I saw Who it was, I was even more disturbed. He seemed absolutely unharmed.
          “I thought You were dead!” I exclaimed.
          “I was! But I have risen from the dead. And I told you that I’ll come back for you”
          I should have been afraid. But I wasn’t. His very presence had a calming and reassuring effect on me.

          “I must go now.” He said. And then to reassure me, He added, “You will never be alone. Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” And with that he was gone.
          Now, I never feel alone or insecure, because I know that He’s with me.  
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:



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