Thursday 17 October 2013



          There is only one King Who has absolute authority and rules over hell! And there will always be one King, and one King alone! And that King is the Lord Jesus Christ!


          Hell has always wrongly been depicted as a burning inferno with Satan and his demons tormenting those human beings that have been cast there to suffer for all eternity.
          And the poor souls are either burning in the eternal fires or are being slowly boiled in a huge cauldron.


          Satan is pictured as a tall figure, having a tail, with two horns and a long trident in his hand.


          In the book Inferno, Dante describes Satan. And the artist Sandro Botticelli, using this description, paints the devil as a three headed monster devouring three people, each with one mouth.
          Then what really is the truth?!
          The greatest deception that Satan wants to promote is that he does not exist. And never did! So he will never expose himself as a dark evil, demonic being, but he masquerades himself as an angel of light.
          He has absolutely no power or authority over hell. On the contrary it was originally created by God to punish Satan, after the fall of Lucifer, which was his original name, to seal him for all eternity when this world came to an end.
          In the Book of Revelations (Chapter 20, verse 2), an angel seizes him and throws him into the Abyss, which is locked and sealed with him inside, for a 1000 years.

          In verse 7 he is released, only to be thrown into the lake of burning sulphur (verse 10), where he will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

Our future and that of Satan:
             When we repent and ask Jesus to forgive our sins………He grants us forgiveness.
               What exactly does forgiveness mean?
          God, Who is outside our time boundary, goes back in ‘time’ and undoes what wrong or sinful deed we have committed! The result -- it’s as if that wrong had never been committed by us!
          So, whenever the devil reminds you of your past, (to intimidate and put you under condemnation), you remind him of his future!
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

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