Thursday 17 October 2013



          The teacher acknowledged the presence of the student with a slight nod of his head as he quietly entered the room and sat at his feet. The evening class was about to begin. Then with the slightest rise of his white bushy eyebrows the old man asked,” Did you read……….?”
          “Yes teacher,” the student answered eagerly, more as a result of excitement than due to any real trepidation. Studying under the teacher had a totally new meaning. “I did read about the Samaritan woman and her encounter at the well!”
          “Good! Then let us begin the lesson for the day. And that is………?”
          “What is the difference between a dirty virgin and a clean whore?”
           “And?” The teacher gently prodded.
          “I have pondered about it the whole day,” replied the student, shaking his head dejectedly. “And it has come to naught.”
          “Do you remember the school program we attended a few weeks ago?”
          The sudden change in topic took the student by surprise. But he quickly recovered his wits and answered in the affirmative. He knew that these deviations were not deviations at all but, like the spokes of a wheel, all met at the central theme.
          “And the one about HOME impressed you the best,” said the student. And the teacher, looking pleased, prompted him, “And how did it go?”

The student recited from memory:
H stands for happiness which you’ll find there,
O stands old folk in their old folk chair.
M stands for mother, you’ll never find another.
H O M E – Home!
          “Now let us see whether we can use this poem to throw some light on the problem in hand. We’ll use the poem, but with a slight twist,” said the teacher as he proceeded:

H stands for happiness which you’ll find there,
O stands for old folk in their old folk chair.
M stands for mother, a whore but for father.
H O M E – Home!

          I waited patiently, knowing full well that he always came out with a very good explanation. And as expected he continued, “The transition from a virgin to either a mother or a whore always necessities one other person. And that person is a man. And the relationship of that man to that virgin is of paramount importance, because if that man is her legally wedded husband, then she becomes a wife and a mother.     Whereas if that man is just another person, then their union is only a sexual gratification and the same act transforms her into a whore.

          And the key factor which differentiates the two is the commitment they had made before God and society which bound them together as husband and wife.”
          I had never heard him speak so clearly before. He had always spoken in ‘parables’, but now he was so lucid.
          “But what has all this got to do with dirty virgins and clean whores?”
          “Ah! Now you seek a deeper truth.” He answered good naturedly. And went on. “What cleanses you from dirt is water, and that is exactly what both types of women need!”
          “So it’s all about cleansing?”
          “In a way, yes! Just as nature’s water quenches thirst, the spiritual water quenches the spiritual thirst- as the good Lord was trying to explain to the Samaritan woman at the well who was unable to transcend into the spiritual but was bogged down in this natural world of ours.
          So coming back to our problem in hand, the world will differentiate every ‘married’ woman as a mother or a whore, depending on what sort of person her partner is with respect to her, as we have already seen.

          But from our Lord’s perspective, every virgin, be she clean, and also every whore, requires a spiritual cleansing and a spiritual infilling. When the Lord was talking to the woman at the well in Samaria, He wasn’t addressing just to her spiritual needs, because she was a whore. But He was addressing the woman in totality.
          And He wasn't just addressing her alone, but every woman in Samaria, be she clean or dirty. And also every man and every child. Because when she ran back and told the Samaritans about her encounter with Jesus, they all came flocking to meet Him.



          And the spiritual cleansing and infilling was not only for the people of Samaria, but for every man, woman and child, from time immemorial, that ever walked the face of the face of the earth.

          And not only the ‘dirty’ virgin or the ‘clean’ whore, but every one!
         And when I say EVERY ONE, I mean EVERY ONE! Even those that have been cleansed by any other means, and think that they are clean. They too need the spiritual cleansing of the Lord Jesus Christ!”
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

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