Thursday, 29 August 2013



          Everyone wants a beautiful baby. And it’s not only possible to get the child of your dreams, but it’s in your hands, without the intervention of any complicated scientific intervention. And it’s quite simple.



          I knew these two ladies who looked very similar, almost mirroring each other’s features. When asked whether they were related, I learned that, when the mother of the younger woman was pregnant, she was frequently at the home of the elder woman, whose looks made such an impression on the would be mother, that the baby in her womb gradually took on the features of the face that had so captivated her mother.
             Strangely, there is such an example in the Bible.
          In Genesis (Chapter 30, verse 31 to 42), we see what Jacob did when he wanted to outsmart his father-in-law Laban.

           He first chose as his wages, speckled or spotted sheep, dark-colored lambs and every spotted or speckled goat. He had these removed from the flock and made his sons take them a great distance away.


          The remaining cattle were under his care. He then collected fresh rods of poplar, almond and plant trees and peeled them so that white streaks would show. And when the flocks came to the watering troughs, where they bred and conceived, it was within his control to place these rods in front of them, for the explicit purpose of bringing forth lambs and kids that were streaked, speckled and spotted.
          Whenever the stronger animals were breeding, Jacob laid the rods in the watering troughs before the eyes of the flock, so that they might breed and conceive. The result, strong and healthy streaked, speckled and spotted cattle for himself!
           He had the rods removed when the weak animals were breeding. The result, strong animals for himself and weak ones for Laban.

          He was thus able to genetically engineer the external appearance of those cattle which he desired to possess!

                    Pregnant mothers, especially during the first few months of pregnancy, should have pictures of happy and beautiful babies hung on the walls of their home, especially in their bed rooms. The result, a beautiful baby.

NOTE: This article only covers the external beauty of the baby.
           My subsequent article: ‘Genetically engineering the soul and spirit of my baby,’ explains the total personality integration of your child! 
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:


Monday, 26 August 2013



          Quest for the questioner whose questions quicken.

          Jesus was one such Person!

          When He was twelve years of age His wisdom and understanding of the Scriptures was gauged more by the questions He asked, as well as the by the answers He gave. (Luke 2: 46, 47).

          There are different levels of questions asked about God and the Bible.
          A commonly asked question by beginners is that Adam and Eve had two sons. Then how did the human lineage come about? Of course the explanation is that there were several more sons and daughters, who are not mentioned.
          When I was around ten years of age I asked my father, “What is it that God cannot do?”
          “Sin!” my father answered.
          “No! It’s not sin. It’s something He wished He could do, because it would increase His power. God is unable to change the past!” Today armed with the knowledge of ‘time-space-matter’ we know He can change the past. (PS. That’s how He forgives sin).
          Then there are other questions I asked: After His death, Jesus’ body was wrapped with strips of linen. As He resurrected, they were left behind and found later. (John 19:40).

           After His resurrection He appeared to Mary Magdalene. (John 20:10–18). Obviously He wasn't naked, so from where did he get the cloth he was wearing?!

          And of course, my famous question: Jesus, like any other human being, possessed forty-six chromosomes. He received twenty-three from Mary. Then from where did He receive the remaining twenty-three chromosomes?
(Read: “Genetics of Jesus Christ in question”).


          On one occasion Jesus was challenged by the Jewish religious leaders regarding His ministry. They asked Him: “By what authority are You doing these things?”
          His reply! A question: “John’s baptism – was it from heaven or from men? Tell Me.”
          They were unable to answer Jesus because His question had boxed them in! (Mark 11: 27-33).

          On another occasion, after much hounding by the religious leaders, with questions, to prove that He was not the Christ, He put a counter question to them: How is it that they say the Christ is the son of David, when David himself calls Him ‘Lord’?
          They were unable to fathom that Jesus Christ was God, and therefore He was called ‘Lord’. But as a human being, born in the lineage of David, He became David’s son!
          Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

Thursday, 22 August 2013



          Three war veterans sat on a bench and watched as the procession passed in front of them.

         The partakers carried banners and placards proclaiming that never again should mankind ever use nuclear weapons: it was the fiftieth anniversary of the atom bomb having been dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in Japan, which resulted in the Second World War drawing to a close.

          The three old men didn't know each other and had nothing in common except the fact that all three of them had fought in the Great War, and had been captured by the Japanese and kept as prisoners of war.
          Not a flicker of emotion had passed any of their countenances, until one of them spied the anti-nuke slogans plastered on the banners.

          A good ideology, he thought to himself, smiling: it was like all the grass eating animals in the jungle getting together and passing a resolution that henceforth no animal, including the lion, the tiger, the panther etc.’ will kill another animal, and all the animals will become vegetarians.

          All three of these war veterans had, while in captivity by the Japanese, been subjected to the most ruthless torture, and had lived, nay existed, under the most inhumane conditions.

       The deprivation and the torment that they had been subjected to, was unimaginable, so much so that it had left deep scars in the very depths of their souls.

          And as they sat watching the people pass by, their minds, even after all these years, reverted back to the horrors that they had each experienced.

          But surprisingly each responded in a totally different way:

          The hatred experienced by the first veteran towards the Japanese erupted in an unquenchable thirst for revenge. It was, all the more so, not only because of his in helplessness to act on his feelings, but due to his inability to influence others to think like him.

If his HATE could only be penned, it would go something like this:

I wish we had had more ammunition.
To destroy the entire Japanese nation.
For the nukes we dropped on those cities two,
Did little harm and killed so few!

The second veteran had long since given up. His feelings:


I cannot live, I will not die,
I live in pain, but will not cry.
But unlike me, the fish of the sea,
Will fight back with a tsunami.

The third veteran had given his life to Jesus! His feelings:


Those horrible things you've done to me,
I have forgiven, and now I love thee.
And maybe as a result of these many a line,
We’ll soon break bread and drink some wine.

Please note that all poems are composed by author.


Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:


Tuesday, 20 August 2013



          Sowing and reaping takes on a totally new meaning when we see how king David responds to verbal abuse hurled at him.

               King David and his entire household are fleeing Jerusalem because Absalom is coming with his army to destroy him. On the way David is confronted by Shimei, a man from Saul’s family, who curses the him and hurls stones at him and his family. (2 Samuel 16:5 – 12).

           David’s men want to kill Shimei, but David stops them.
        The reason: either he, David is reaping what he has sowed, saying it may be from the Lord (verse 10).
          Or it was Shimei who was going to reap what he (Shimei) was sowing. In which case God would bless David (vs.12), and only good would come out of a bad situation, just as Joseph was able to save his family, and Israel, though he had been sold into slavery.
          And Paul says: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him.” (Rom. 8:28).
          Now, after David is victorious against Absalom, and is returning triumphantly to Jerusalem, his men want to put Shimei to death. But David spares Shimei’s life. (2Samuel 19:21-23).
          But on his deathbed, king David admonishes his son and heir, Solomon to act wisely in dealing with Shimei and to have him killed. (1Kings 2:8, 9).
          Once enthroned, Solomon sends for Shimei and orders him, on pain of death, never to leave Jerusalem. (1Kings 2: 36-38).
          But three years later Shimei disobeys and is put to death. (1Kings 2: 39-46).
          As you sow, so shall you reap!    


          So the next time you are insulted or hurt, keep cool!
          Either you are reaping, in which case it’s from God. So take it.
          Or the other party’s sowing, in which case God will avenge you. You will be blessed, both for your patience as well as for trusting God to bring out good in a bad situation. And they will get what they deserve.
          Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

Friday, 16 August 2013



          Hogging, comfort food and love all go hand in hand.

          And therefore, to handle food problems, first tackle love problems.

           When a baby is closely held and breast fed, it associates love with food. And so when one grows up, and is anxious, depressed or lonely, that person compensates for the love he or she needs by overeating, or going into the arms of a lover.

               Breast feeding is one of the most important 'investments' in  the production of healthy children.

           We Christians have a loving God and Father. And He can fill any void in us, however deep it is.


          There was this one person in our prayer group that I just couldn’t love. I prayed about it, but just couldn't forgive this person. And what was even worse was that the Lord had told me that He had not only forgiven that person, but that He loves the person.
          It took me a long time, but ultimately I not only forgave, but also was able to love that person…………….THAT PERSON WAS ME!

          So, with Jesus loving us, and we loving ourselves, we can obtain more than enough love to overcome our required quota.

PS: It helps to write down Scripture versus stating who we are in Christ, how much He loves us and values us. Memorizing them and, not only repeating them to ourselves on a daily basis, but most important of all, believing them.
          Lord Jesus has said: “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Mt. 19:19).
          So forgive and love everyone, starting with yourself. Here ‘love’ is an action word (a verb).
          So act on it!
(Please read: ‘Would Jesus have died for just one person.’)
         And so, with God’s love alive in your heart, your emotional needs will be met and your psychological problems will gradually disappear.
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:


Wednesday, 14 August 2013



          “Doctor ,I need to know whether the girl I’m going to marry is a virgin. Can I bring her to you?”  A young man put this question to me.


          “Sure.” I assured him. “I will give you the name of a senior lady gynecologist, and you could both visit her.”


           And I then added as an afterthought. “This doctor will not only inform you weather she’s virgin, but will also issue a certificate stating the same.”
          The young man looked pleased.
          “However,” I added, “You will need to see her again after your honeymoon to obtain a similar certificate.”
          “And also, each time you return from your trips abroad to make sure that she has not been unfaithful to you during your absence.”
          He got the point.

          Dear ladies, I would probably win your eternal gratitude if I could invent some method to test the virginity of all men prior to their marriage.
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:




          We practice for everything. So why not for an event that will definitely take place, maybe a few years later, or maybe even sooner.
          You will need to be alone and undisturbed for at least an hour.
          Now imagine that at the end of exactly sixty minutes you are going to die. You will need to take this very seriously.
          Now ask yourself: how am I going to spend the last hour of my life?
          Don’t panic! Breathe slowly. And reassure yourself that this is not a rehearsal.
It’s the real thing!

          More important than wishing your loved ones farewell, is to get right with God! Remember that if you go through this procedure faithfully, then you have nothing to worry should death overtake you suddenly.

Following are the steps one should follow:
Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, if you haven’t done so already.
Confess your sins and repent of them.
Forgive and love others, especially your enemies. It’s an act of decision. Overcome your emotions. And do it!
Restitution i.e. Promise to return back stuff stolen etc.
Renew your commitment to Christ.

Start enjoying heaven!

Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:
