Thursday 20 November 2014


          Animals are valued by their ancestry. The linage of a horse or the pedigree of a dog is very important when evaluating the worth of the animal.
          In human beings it’s even more so, especially when it comes to marriage.
          With respect to God, the Bible carefully records the royal linage of Jesus, and that He came from the house of Judah.
          But what I want to emphasize is the linage of Jesus as God, and not as man, (which is clearly mentioned in the Book of Matthew.
          The Bible mentions that God is one!! Yet three Persons are clearly and separately mentioned: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit!
          Therefore, to understand where Jesus as God (the spiritual and not the natural Being) ‘came from’, let us trace Jesus’ ancestry downwards from God the Father.

GOD (God the Father) - the one true living God (Jehovah, Yahweh):
He created the earth (matter).
In a time/space environment.
Time: made up of- yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Space: made up of- length, breadth and height.
He created man: matter in time and space.
Man sinned- God lost His kingdom to Satan.
God communicated with man (Israel) - people terrified.
God decided to become man (matter) in time/space dimension.
And communicate with man on a one to one basis, by becoming Jesus.
God became man, and was named Jesus.
Got the title of Christ (Greek), Messiah (Hebrew) -- Anointed One.
In the Gospel of John:
 In the beginning was the Word (Jesus).
And the Word (Jesus) was with God (the Father).
And the Word (Jesus) was God (the Father).
He (Jesus) was with God (the Father) in the beginning.
Through Him (Jesus) all things were made. (John 1:1-3).
Jesus came down on earth to reestablish His kingdom.
Crucifixion, resurrection & ascension: Jesus ceased to be human (matter) and ceased to be bound on earth (by time & space).
THE HOLY SPIRIT (Advocate, Councilor)
          Presence of God (Lord Jesus Christ) continues on earth in the Spirit form as: The Holy Spirit of Lord Jesus Christ the Jehovah.
          Now we can see a clear linage from God the Father, down to Jesus Who is God the Son, and ultimately down to God the Holy Spirit!
          This helps us to understand that there is only ONE God!!
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

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