Thursday 29 May 2014



          She was one of three harlots of the New Testament who was convicted and saved to by Lord Jesus Christ.

An important related Scripture:
Isaiah 55:11. ‘’ so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
          It achieves conviction which leads to repentance and salvation.
          Or it brings about rejection which leads to condemnation.


          So called because she was weeping at the feet of Jesus. (Luke 7: 36-50.)
          As the drama unfolds, the woman, a prostitute, convicted of her sins, seeks out Jesus, Who is in the house of a Pharisee, as his guest.
          Filled with remorse and self loathing, she repents of her past ways and washes the feet of the Lord with her tears, wiping them with her hair. Then she kisses His feet and anoints them with perfumes.

          She gets two different responses: the first from the Pharisee who criticizes Jesus for tolerating her behavior. The second from Jesus, Who in turn rebukes His host telling him that, when He came to his house as a guest, He was neither given water to wash His feet, nor was He greeted with a kiss.
The key issue is: Why was there such a diagonally opposite response from the woman and the Pharisee, since both were sinners?
          The woman was convicted of sin and she came for forgiveness. And she received it when Jesus told her, ‘’ your sins are forgiven.’’ And then, ‘’your faith has saved you; go in peace.’’ She left justified.
          The Pharisee on the other hand, who fasted and tithed on a regular basis, was filled with self righteousness, and based his righteousness on the Law.

          And that very Law would condemn him.

Ratio between forgiveness and love: Even Jesus acknowledges that, it is natural for those who have been forgiven more, to love more.
          But let us keep in mind that our walk with the Lord should make us so sensitive that, when we err even to the smallest extent, our response should be as though we have sinned in a big way, and we should immediately do whatever is necessary to get right with God.
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

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