Friday 16 May 2014



                   The most degraded form of a human being is a fallen or an unfaithful woman who is given the most derogatory names ever known to man : prostitute, harlot, moll, bitch, whore just to name a few.
           And it is these very women that Jesus took, cleansed, sanctified and changed, from the degraded state they were in, into a bride fit for the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
          A harlot is a woman who commits adultery. Since some of you may not know what adultery means, let me explain it to you from an example in my own life.
          I was seven years old. The last study class was completed and school was done for the day. As my classmates and I walked into the school playground we came face to face with the mother superior and a phalanx of teachers and parents who had come to pick up their kids.
          The smiling nun asked us, “And what did you’ll just finish studying?’’
          “The Ten Commandments,” we all replied.
          ‘’And can you mention a few?’’
          In a jumble of voices some of the Commandments were quoted – until one youngster said,’’ Thou shall not commit adultery.’’
          To which the nun, highly amused, replied, rather more to herself, ‘’what would you know about adultery?’’
          ‘’I know what is adultery.’’ I answered boldly.
          There was a shocking silence. All eyes turned to me. I wondered what the fuss was all about.
          ‘’And what is adultery?’’ asked the shocked nun.
          ‘’Its adding water to the milk’’, was my reply.
          That’s adulteration. But in a way I was right. When you add anything to a marriage, whether it’s in the form of another guy or gal, you get adultery.
          Now, before we go any further I want you to make a careful note of the following Scripture verse because it had great significance throughout this teaching:

Isaiah 55:11. ‘’ so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
It achieves CONVICTION which leads to repentance and salvation.
Or it achieves rejection which leads to condemnation.
          Let us study the lives of three harlots from the New Testament who were convicted, and who were not only saved, but became the blood line of the Lord. All three are described in subsequent articles     They are the sleeping, weeping and the reaping harlots.
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:


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