Saturday 5 April 2014



          There was a beautiful young girl who was in love with a nice, but poor boy. A rich young man, wanting to have this girl for himself, asked her, “I have wealth, houses, cars and whatever one could ask for. What has that guy got that I haven’t”?
          “Me!” she replied, smiling sweetly.


          Everyone wants a beautiful, sweet natured, kind, and most important, a virgin for a bride.

          And so would Jesus!
          But wherever He looked, he couldn’t find a single virgin. All were spiritual harlots!
          Because all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God!
          Therefore He decided to come down and save the wretched whore, picking her up from the filth and washing her by His own precious blood.

          I heard about a woman, whose clothes had caught fire, but was saved by the timely intervention of her husband, who had risked his life to save her. With tears of joy and gratitude she confessed that, when his proposal had originally come, she had refused. But she had eventually relented, because of the pressure brought about by her parents. 
        She now stated that, because of what he had done for her, her love for her husband had grown many fold, and she would go to any length to make him happy.

          Therefore, how much more should we, His glorious bride, the Church, love and serve Him, eternally grateful for what He has done for us.
          And we should also realize our worth; we are the chosen bride of not just anybody, but of the King of kings and Lord of lords!
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

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