Friday 25 April 2014



I want it! And I want it now!

                   Many years ago a missionary had been sent to China to spread the Gospel message. The first job he undertook was to translate the Bible into Chinese. And so he hired a local scholar, who was well versed both in English as well as Chinese. Let’s say his name is Chen.

                  So every day from morning to night the two sat and painstakingly translated the Holy Book until it was completed and was ready for printing.
                   Seeing that his real missionary work could now begin in earnest, he turned to Chen and asked him: “Mr.Chen, how would like to become a Christian?’’
                   To which Mr. Chen replied, “I don’t know what a Christian is, because I've never met one.”
                   To which the missionary replied smiling, “I am a Christian!”
                   “Oh no, you definitely are no Christian! I’ve read the Bible. A Christian is one who has love, joy, peace, patience etc. You definitely don’t possess any of these qualities. You shout at me even if I make the slightest mistake, you are anxious and upset if your checks from your Church are delayed. You definitely are no Christian!”
                   That night the missionary got on his knees, and wept and prayed, and was changed by God. He spent many more years in China and succeeded in bringing thousands upon thousands of people to the Lord.
                   When the missionary grew old and frail, he was called back to America to retire.

                   On the plane carrying him back home, was a pop singer who had visited China as part of his tour. At the airport, there was a huge crowd waiting to welcome the singer back. But there was not even a single person who had come to receive the missionary. So he felt saddened by this and said to the Lord: “This singer spent just a few weeks away and what a welcome he receives. Whereas I spend my entire life away, and there is no one waiting to receive me!”

                   And the Lord answered him: “That’s because you’re not home yet son. You’re not home yet.”
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

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