Thursday 16 January 2014




          When the time came for the two brothers, Cain and Abel, to make a sacrificial offering to God, each gave of the very best he had.
          Abel, who was a shepherd, took the best from his flock and offered up an animal sacrifice.
          Cain, who was a farmer and tiller of the soil, offered up the best of the grain, fruits and vegetables that he had cultivated. And which God had blessed him with.                                                            
          But God, while being pleased with Abel’s offering, was totally displeased with that of Cain. He not only rebuked him, but rejected him outright! Why?!
          Thousands of years later Jesus would die on the cross to atone for the sins of mankind.                                                         

          But what about all the people who lived before the actual event of the crucifixion, and who needed atonement for their sins?
          They were instructed to offer animal sacrifices. And the blood of bulls and goats was symbolic of the blood which Lord Jesus would shed on the cross for the remission of our sins!
          And these animal sacrifices and other symbols, e.g. the bronze serpent that Moses raised in the desert, became the ‘type’ of the ‘anti –type’ to come, which was Jesus Christ.                                                        

          But although both brothers didn't know this fact, they had definitely seen their parents conducting these animal sacrifices. And were obviously told that it was expected of them!
           Able acted out of faith, which propelled him into obedience, resulting in him becoming righteous before God. He was commended for this act in the great faith chapter of Hebrews. (Chapter 11: verse 4).

          On the other hand we are warned not to imitate the evil Cain whose worthless sacrifice did nothing to help him, but only served to expose his pride and maintain his unworthiness with God, which propelled him to kill his righteous brother Able. (1 John 3:12).

          Therefore, since only these ‘types’ would suffice till the time of the crucifixion, Abel’s sacrifice was accepted, while that of Cain rejected.

Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:


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