Thursday 9 January 2014




          From the time of the crucifixion till today, all those who accept the blood of Jesus to pay for their sins, are saved.
           But what provision was there for all those before the crucifixion? For them were the ‘types’ of the ‘anti-type’ to come, which would be Jesus Christ! Most of the ‘types’ were blood sacrifices performed in the Old Testament.
 Here are a few examples:

ADAM and EVE: When they realized that they were naked, the Lord took the skins of the slain animals, made garments and clothed them, symbolically covering their sins with His blood. (Genesis 3:21).

CAIN and ABLE: Abel brought a bloody sacrifice which pleased the Lord. Whereas Cain brought fruits, and the Lord was displeased. (Genesis 4:2-6).

ABRAHAM: had to circumcise himself and all males eight days and above in order to form a covenant with God. (Genesis 17: 10-13).

PASSOVER: All the Israelites, before their exodus from Egypt, had to sacrifice a ‘year-old male lamb without blemish’ and apply its blood on both sides and on top of the door frames, so that the Lord would pass over and not kill them! (Exodus 12: 1-13).

          That is why John the Baptist cried out when he saw Jesus, “Look, the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world.” (John 1:29).

RAHAB the PROSTITUTE: She was instructed to tie a scarlet cord in the window, the red color of the cord symbolizing the blood of Jesus. (Joshua 6:22, 23).
TENT OF MEETING: Moses, “And you shall set the laver between the Tent of Meeting and the altar and put water in it.” (Exodus 40:7).

          Why was it necessary for one exact position for the laver to be demanded of Moses by God? The laver was to be placed directly “between [the doors of] the Tent of Meeting and the altar [of burnt offering],” thus completing the “cross” made by the arrangement of the furniture, from the arc to the altar.
           It could have no significance to the Jews at that time, but the One Who planned it had those in mind to whom Christ would one day say, “And these [very Scriptures] testify about Me! (John 5:39).
          How fitting that at the foot of that “cross” there should be the altar, picturing our complete surrender, and then the laver, picturing our cleansing, that we may enter in through Him Who alone is the Door to the eternal Holy of Holies. (John 10: 1-9). (“Tent of meeting” taken from “The Amplified bible”).      
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

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