Tuesday 3 December 2013



          Time and the Bible are interwoven. They go hand in hand.
          The Bible talks about the beginning of time. And about the end of days when time will cease.
          It also talks about a ‘time’ before the creation of time when there was no time. And a ‘time’ after the end of time when there will be no time!
          Some of the secrets of time are subtly hidden in the chapters and verses of the Holy Book. E.g. Thousands of years ago Job speaks of the earth hanging over nothing, when the world had not even dreamed of such a concept.
         By ferreting out these secrets could we not advance in our scientific knowledge and acquire a better understanding of the world that we live in?
          And understanding time is crucial to understanding some of the ‘mysteries’ and so called ‘contradiction’ of the Bible! E.g. pre-election and pre-destination as against free will, prophesy, the Holy Trinity etc. to name a few.
          Articles such as: 
‘Secrets of pre-determination revealed,’
 ‘Secrets of prophesy revealed,’
‘Secrets of the Holy Trinity revealed,’

............are some of the articles in this blog that use ‘time’ to get a clearer and better understanding of the Bible!
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:



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