Wednesday 11 December 2013




So much love from the mentally challenged.                                          

                   This incident happened at one of the Olympic Games for children who were mentally challenged. The kids were all lined up at the starting point. And as the signal went off, they ran towards the finishing line.

           But as they were on their way, one little girl slipped and fell, and some of the spectators laughed. Realizing that something was amiss the runners stopped and looked back. Seeing that one of their own had fallen, they ran back, picked up their fallen comrade and carried her across the finishing line. 

         The thousands of people who had witnessed this said that that was the best example of love in action that they had ever witnessed.


                   I challenge you today. What would you do if one of your Church members falls into sin, be it adultery, homosexuality, robbery, rape or whatever. Would you, like some of the spectators, laugh?


           Or rather would you run back, pick up your fallen brother or sister, and help him or her across the finishing line: so that together we can say, “we have fought the good fight, we have finished the race, we have kept the faith.”


                   I want you to turn to the person next to you, or message someone and say: “I will always be there for you.”

LOVE AND THE BIBLE: ‘God loves’ and ‘God is love’ are expressions found in the Bible! Some have gone even to the extent of saying that these claims are exclusive only to the Bible.

           But I know that the God of the Bible, the Lord Jesus Christ is a God of love, because He died for me! Even when crucified He cried out to the Father to forgive those who had crucified Him. And because of that he won the heart of one of the two criminals who had been crucified with Him.
          But what is important for us is that, only as a God of love, can He be gracious and forgive us our sins. And without this reconciliation, it would be impossible to enter heaven and live with Him, the perfect God, for all eternity.




          So the only answer to mankind's deepest need is the Lord Jesus, the one true living God, Who is the Christ! And thus we have His unconditional love, with joy and peace for all eternity. 

Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

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