Thursday 28 November 2013






          One of the most intriguing verses found in the Bible is in Genesis. It’s about Adam and Eve: “And the man and his wife were both naked and were not embarrassed of ashamed in each other’s presence.” (2:2).

          What really amazed me was not their open nudity, but rather the fact that, after God had created them, they were literally thrown into a hostile environment, at the mercy of the heat of the day and the chill of the night. And to the seasonal changes that were bound to follow.
          Could God have made a mistake? No!! Because people lived for almost a thousand years!

NAME OF PERSON                AGE IN YEARS                        REFERENCE        
Adam                                      930                                         Genesis 5:5
Enosh                                      905                                         Gen. 5:11
Methuselah                            969                                         Gen. 5:27
Noah                                       950 (600+350)                       Gen. 9:29  
Shem                                      600                                         Gen. 11:10,11
Eber                                        446                                         Gen. 11:12,13
Abraham                                175                                         Gen. 25:7
Joseph                                    110                                         Gen. 50:26
David                                      71                                            1 Chron.29:28

          The above chart shows us that, though man had lived for hundreds of years, yet man’s longevity dramatically reduced from the time of Noah: “In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life………..the flood gates of heavens were opened. And rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights.” (Genesis 7: 11, 12).


          And therefore the earth’s environment, before the flood, was definitely conducive to mans longevity. And if we can only glean out this secret, we could probably utilize this knowledge to live longer.
          The ‘secret’ is found by studying how the atmosphere was created: “And God said. Let there be a firmament [the expanse of the sky] in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters [below] from the waters [above].” (Genesis 1:6). (The Amplified Bible).
          The upper waters encapsulated the entire sky or atmosphere, and therefore the earth was protected from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.
          It also maintained the high level of oxygen.
          The environment here on earth was perfect!

OXYGEN THERAPY: Patients who suffer from non-healing lesions, like ulcers in the periphery of the body (e.g. the foot), are placed in tanks in which oxygen is pumped.The level of oxygen is higher than what is normally present in the atmosphere. This increased oxygen, under pressure, penetrates these remote cells and promotes healing.


          One day maybe we may be able to ‘change’ our environment and make it more conducive to longevity.
          An oxygen tent and other similar gadgets can probably prolong your life and let you live till you are seventy, eighty, ninety or even two or three hundred years old. Or even to a thousand years!
          But one day all of us are bound to die!!


          Wouldn't you rather live in peace, happiness and total contentment forever and ever? It’s within your reach. But you cannot do it by yourself. You need help. But you have to first accept this fact.
          Once you do it’s easy.


          Surrender your life to the Lord Jesus and He will give you an eternal life which you can otherwise never deserve, expect or imagine.
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:


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