Thursday 28 November 2013






          One of the most intriguing verses found in the Bible is in Genesis. It’s about Adam and Eve: “And the man and his wife were both naked and were not embarrassed of ashamed in each other’s presence.” (2:2).

          What really amazed me was not their open nudity, but rather the fact that, after God had created them, they were literally thrown into a hostile environment, at the mercy of the heat of the day and the chill of the night. And to the seasonal changes that were bound to follow.
          Could God have made a mistake? No!! Because people lived for almost a thousand years!

NAME OF PERSON                AGE IN YEARS                        REFERENCE        
Adam                                      930                                         Genesis 5:5
Enosh                                      905                                         Gen. 5:11
Methuselah                            969                                         Gen. 5:27
Noah                                       950 (600+350)                       Gen. 9:29  
Shem                                      600                                         Gen. 11:10,11
Eber                                        446                                         Gen. 11:12,13
Abraham                                175                                         Gen. 25:7
Joseph                                    110                                         Gen. 50:26
David                                      71                                            1 Chron.29:28

          The above chart shows us that, though man had lived for hundreds of years, yet man’s longevity dramatically reduced from the time of Noah: “In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life………..the flood gates of heavens were opened. And rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights.” (Genesis 7: 11, 12).


          And therefore the earth’s environment, before the flood, was definitely conducive to mans longevity. And if we can only glean out this secret, we could probably utilize this knowledge to live longer.
          The ‘secret’ is found by studying how the atmosphere was created: “And God said. Let there be a firmament [the expanse of the sky] in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters [below] from the waters [above].” (Genesis 1:6). (The Amplified Bible).
          The upper waters encapsulated the entire sky or atmosphere, and therefore the earth was protected from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.
          It also maintained the high level of oxygen.
          The environment here on earth was perfect!

OXYGEN THERAPY: Patients who suffer from non-healing lesions, like ulcers in the periphery of the body (e.g. the foot), are placed in tanks in which oxygen is pumped.The level of oxygen is higher than what is normally present in the atmosphere. This increased oxygen, under pressure, penetrates these remote cells and promotes healing.


          One day maybe we may be able to ‘change’ our environment and make it more conducive to longevity.
          An oxygen tent and other similar gadgets can probably prolong your life and let you live till you are seventy, eighty, ninety or even two or three hundred years old. Or even to a thousand years!
          But one day all of us are bound to die!!


          Wouldn't you rather live in peace, happiness and total contentment forever and ever? It’s within your reach. But you cannot do it by yourself. You need help. But you have to first accept this fact.
          Once you do it’s easy.


          Surrender your life to the Lord Jesus and He will give you an eternal life which you can otherwise never deserve, expect or imagine.
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:


Monday 25 November 2013



          Did God create the carnivorous beast? NO!!

          Carnivorous animals (meat eaters) came into being the moment man rebelled against God and all anarchy broke loose.                                                            

          All the Commandments, ‘do not kill’ being one of them, were broken one by one. And will be kept broken till the end of the world.

Genetics and carnivorous/ herbivorous animals.
          If God creates all creatures vegetarians, then how come some animals opted to become carnivorous (e.g. the lion, tiger, vulture, barracuda etc.) while others continued as vegetarians (e.g. the cow, goat, sheep etc.)?!


          They responded owing to their genes, some being encoded to become carnivorous while others staying as they were. God had so programmed them, even before the fall of mankind, because He knew that with the anarchy that would follow, the ecological balance had to be maintained.


           Vegetation would grow uncontrolled and would have to be kept in check by the vegetarians. And its depletion would be prevented by the carnivores that would check the unruly multiplication of the vegetable eating animals. 

Why did Jesus say: “…..unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you.” (John 6:53)?
          Jesus was speaking allegorically like the language of most of the Bible. His desire was that only after we imbibe Him in spirit would we be infilled by the Holy Spirit. And then, and only then, could we become fountains of living water. (John 7:38).

Why were animals sacrificed in the Old Testament?
          Jesus died by the shedding of His blood!
          We sin. We deserve eternal death. He died for us. We accept this appropriation. We live! 

          For those people who lived before the crucifixion, animal sacrifices were used for the cleansing of sin till the Real Thing came along.
Jesus, the Sacrificial Lamb: Jesus was ‘the Lamb of God Who took away the sin of the world’ (John 1:29). 

          As a kid have you ever had a pup of a kitten that you loved and nurtured? It was always with you. It even slept with you. And then it was run over by a vehicle and was killed. How did you feel?!
          This was exactly how God felt when His only begotten Son was crucified.
          And so, all those who sacrificed a lamb in the Old Testament had to first care for it like a family member so that they would appreciate the extent Jesus sacrificed for them!

Will this carnivorous era ever end?
           Yes! But only on the Holy Mountain of the Lord! With the Lord, and not Satan, in control as it is now!
          “The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together………..the cow will feed with the bear………the lion will eat straw like the ox. The infant will play near the hole of the cobra, and the young child put its hand into the viper’s nest. (Isaiah 11: 6-8).

Which life style better: Veg. or non-veg.?

          Debatable! Both have their advantages and disadvantages.
          Daniel and his companions, during the Babylonian exile, grew healthier on vegetables rather than by consuming meats. (Daniel 1; 8-21).
          In certain conditions pregnant vegetarian women are strongly advised to eat meat for the well being of their un-born child.

Vegetarianism and religion: Many people are vegetarian on religious grounds. They would never harm an animal, but some wouldn't hesitate to cheat their brethren, e.g. adulterating food, medicines etc.
           They guzzle milk meant for the young one of the animal.
          In some states in India the royal families and the rich eat meat (chicken, mutton). But the poor prefer to stay vegetarian for no other reason but because they cannot afford meat. I learned of this on a cooking program on T.V.
          In the state of Kolkata (Calcutta), the Brahmans, or the priestly class are pure vegetarians. But they are permitted to eat fish, something which the other vegetarian Hindus would never think of doing. 
          This is a fact of life that most vegetarians conveniently ignore. Whatever you eat, has to be a living organism which has to be slaughtered and then imbibed in order to sustain you, whether it be an animal, a bird, an insect or from the plant family! Inanimate objects cannot sustain life.
          Every living thing suffers pain. Not only do animals, birds, fish, insects etc. suffer pain and cry out when trapped and killed, but plants too go through the agony. And this has been recorded by scientists by noting the chemicals, called pheromones, which they release!


          But since we can see and hear the pitiful cry of the dying animal, we empathize with them, completely blissful to the fact that vegetation too goes through the throes of sheer agony when harvested.



          Plants have intelligence. They produce chemical (toxins) which give their leaves a bad taste. When threatened by insects, certain plants also produce volatile chemicals that attract the insect’s predators.


          Plants communicate with each other by signaling scents called pheromones. Some like the ‘touch-me-nots’ close their leaves when touched.


          There is a great similarity in the behavior of animals and plants. Just as animals of the opposite sex attract each other by exuding chemicals called pheromones, similarly plants also give out pheromones for the process of reproduction and cross pollination.
          Since this will only happen when the Lord Jesus is in control, let us hasten His return!!
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

Saturday 23 November 2013






          Do you believe that Jesus is God because you’re a Christian? Or are you a Christian because you believe that Jesus is God?
          I have often got people scared, or even terrified, when I have asked them this simple question!
          If they answer yes to the first question, (i.e. because they are born into a Christian family, and since the Christian God is Jesus, then their God automatically becomes Jesus), then they only follow their religion, and follow its God, because they are born in it, and have neither conviction nor a personal relationship with their God.

                                     HOLY SPIRIT EVANGELISM!

          Whenever we evangelize to someone we are speaking to his mind or intellect. However we should always keep in mind that evangelism is never only at the intellectual level. There has to be a spiritual involvement. His spirit has essentially to be involved.
                    Many people are either unaware of its importance or feel confident of their ability to convince the other person. They act in the natural rather than in the spiritual, and therefore fail to be the effective evangelists they would otherwise have been!

MAN IS MADE UP OF: A body, a soul and a spirit.
The soul in turn is made up of: an intellect, a will and emotions.
          Sometimes conversion can take place only at the intellectual level. E.g. a person may make up his mind to change his religion for financial gain.

          This is only a superficial decision. Because the real change or conversion takes place only in the spirit- and can only happen by the power of the Holy Spirit.
          Or a person may change their religion because he or she may have fallen in love with a person of another religion. Here the decision is based mainly on emotions.


          Yet again, a person may be forced to change one’s belief because of religious persecution.


          But no evangelism or conviction can be successful without the involvement and power of the Holy Spirit!    
ACTION/REACTION: When you give the Gospel message, one of two reactions have to take place:
          Conviction or condemnation, i.e. either the person accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior, and is saved.
          Or the message is outright rejected and the person automatically stands condemned.
           THE LORD SPEAKS “so is My word that goes out from My mouth: It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it,” (Isaiah. 55:11).

ONE GOD/ MANY GODS: Many people believe in multiple gods, but profess that there is only one God, and that these different gods are different forms or manifestations of the same god.
          “Hear oh Israel that the Lord thy God is one God” (Deutoronomy. 6:4).             
          But in the Ten Commandments God spoke thus: “I am the Lord your God…………..You shall have no other gods besides me.” (Exodus. 20:2, 3).
          Therefore the Bible says that there are many gods, but only Jesus Christ is the one true living God!

ARM YOURSELF WITH KNOWLEDGE: Be well versed with the Bible. Know the correct interpretation. You will be challenged by people who will tell you that: Jesus is the son of God. We are all sons of God. So there is no difference between Him and us!
(Read the articles in this blog: “The secrets of the Trinity revealed” & “Scientifically modernizing Biblical language”).




          The basic difference is: salvation through Jesus is by faith and faith alone (in the provision of the crucifixion and resurrection). (Ephesians.2:8).


 As against ‘doing good for salvation’ as professed by all other religions.


          About good works the Bible says: “All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags.” (Isa. 64:6).
          Therefore, intellectually we see that we have Jesus on one side (demanding faith in Him to take us to heaven) and on the other side we have other gods, who demand good deeds from us to attain salvation


           Therefore we now need to ascend from the intellectual to the spiritual.
          And the only way to know that Jesus is God is by allowing the one true living God to speak directly into our spirit. And after we encounter this mind blowing experience; our conviction is so deep that nothing can shake us.
           I am astounded that there are millions of people on earth that base their salvation on someone else’s experience, without verifying it directly from the Creator.
          These people kill people of other faiths, and even happily die in the process, not stopping to think that they would have done exactly the same terrorist act had they been born in the other faith.



           Whenever you give the Gospel message to someone, irrespective of his or her age, evangelize as though the person you are evangelizing to is going to drop dead the very next moment.
          This gives a depth and feeling to your words, and your sincerity and seriousness will greatly help. Also, it may be the only time he or she hears the good news about Jesus and salvation!



          This is the most effective and best type of evangelism.
          The Holy Spirit leads you to a particular person, puts the right words in your mouth and literally does everything, except appear to that person and speak to him or her personally.
          For this type of evangelism, you need to spend prime time with the Lord. But the results are fantastic, and you truly become one with Him, and enter into His core group, along with Moses and Elijah, and the three disciples, as it happened on the Mount of Transfiguration.   
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

Thursday 21 November 2013



          Natural disasters are on the rise all over the world, be it typhoons, tsunamis, floods, earthquakes, bush-fires etc.




 And man is directly responsible, but not the way you think!

            Though the answer is hidden in the Bible, the solution is definitely not a ‘religious’ one!
          Because man has defiled himself with sin, (especially sexual sins which have their roots in idol worship) the very land he inhabits becomes defiled. And with the ensuing wrath of God, the land itself vomits out its inhabitants! (Leviticus 18:24, 25).
          The earth shakes the wicked out of it. (Job 38:13).
          Even the most fertile land can be defiled to become barren and detestable. (Jeremiah 2:7, 8).


  An extreme example: A comparison is drawn between a defiled land and a woman who leaves her husband and prostitutes herself with her lovers. (Jeremiah 3: 1-3).


          The reason for using this allegory is because man, as a result of idol worship, has incurred God’s wrath, defiled the land and is directly responsible for these ‘natural’ disasters!
THE SOLUTION: God says: “You must keep My decrees and My laws…..or else the land will become defiled……….and will vomit you out.” (Leviticus 18:26 – 28).
          Therefore, no more detestable idol, but like a repentant wife, return back to the worship of the one true living God, the Lord Jesus Christ!


GOD’S PROMISE: “If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

          Even during the time of disaster, or rather especially in the midst of disaster, if the people turn back to the Lord Jesus Christ, He will bless them and heal their land! (Isaiah 14: 1-7).
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at: