reason for this project is essentially because, with our modern knowledge of
time and space, we are able to understand to a much greater extent the
‘strange’ phrases used in the New Testament.
the other hand, because of the lack of knowledge of time and space, leading
theologians, without a proper insight, have come up with strange
interpretations, or have even lost their faith.
Bultmann (died in 1976), one of the twentieth century’s leading theologians,
has popularized the theory that the New Testament statements about Christ are
largely ‘mythical’. Phrases like, ‘becoming man,’ ‘sending His Son,’ ‘raised
from the dead,’ and ‘at the Father’s right hand,’ must not be taken literally.
These ‘mythical’ statements use a pre-scientific, out dated world view to what
Christ meant to the early Christians.
Their meaning for human life today can be discovered only by stripping off the mythical form of expression. This meaning, according to Bultmann’s view belongs entirely to this world. That there is no other world for the Son of God to ‘come from’ or ‘return to.’ (These two paragraphs taken from Lion’s: Handbook of Christian belief).
Their meaning for human life today can be discovered only by stripping off the mythical form of expression. This meaning, according to Bultmann’s view belongs entirely to this world. That there is no other world for the Son of God to ‘come from’ or ‘return to.’ (These two paragraphs taken from Lion’s: Handbook of Christian belief).
(First please read: ‘Understanding
should realize that the phrases given above cannot be taken literally because
we are bound in a world of time and space, and God isn't.
will have a look at the four above mentioned phrases, first in the original and
then, after I have rephrased them into modern lingo.
NOTE: First the BIBLICAL passage will
be given- followed by the author’s PARAPHRASED VERSION.
I: ‘becoming man’- there are several
examples of God becoming man.
1) ‘The Word became flesh……………’(Jh.1:14)
‘God transcended into our dimension,
limiting Himself in time and space, by manifesting Himself as human matter.
2) ‘…………that Jesus Christ has come in
the flesh is from God.’ (Jh.4:2b).
‘…………..that God has transcended into
our dimension and manifested Himself as Jesus Christ by taking on a human form
of matter.’
II ‘sending His Son’: countless
problems have arisen because this expression has not been properly understood.
1) ‘But when time had fully come, God sent His
Son, born of a woman…………….(Gal. 4:4A).
‘But at the appropriate moment in
earthly time, God transcended into this dimension, manifesting as Jesus, born
of a woman………..’
2) ‘………..God did by sending His only
Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering…………’(Rom.8:3).
‘…………..God did by transcending into
our dimension as Jesus Christ, identifying Himself with sinful man to be an
appropriation for our sins.’
3) ‘For God so loved the world that
He gave His one and only Son………..’(Jh.3:16A).
‘For God so loved (the people of) this
dimension, that He fully gave of Himself, to man, as Jesus Christ.’
III ‘Raised from the dead,’
1) ‘But God raised Him from the
dead,’ (Acts 13:30).
‘But He (Jesus Christ) transcended
from the dimension of the dead by using His Godly powers.’
2) They will kill Him, and on the
third day He will be raised to life. (Matt.17:23A).
‘They will stop the functioning of
His physical body of matter, thereby forcibly sending Him off, from this
dimension of the living, into the dimension of the dead and, on the third
day,(as calculated by time in this dimension), He will, on His own, re-enter
the dimension of the living.
IV. ‘At the Father’s right hand.’
1) ‘But Stephen, full of the Holy
Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the
right hand of God. (Acts 7:55).
‘But Stephen, under the power of the
Holy Spirit, was able to perceive into the heavenly dimension, and discern
Jesus as God, in all His glory and power.
NOTE: in Part II on the same subject,
many more Scripture verses have been scientifically modernized.
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