Saturday, 29 June 2013



           There is a recorded incident in which man was able to harness and put to use DARK ENERGY for his own benefit.
             We could learn the technique and do the same!

        When the Israelites were fighting their enemies, Joshua their leader ordered the sun and moon to stand still in order to ensure a complete victory and a total destruction of their enemies. (Book of Joshua: Chapter 10).

GRAVITY & CENTRIFUGAL FORCES: As the earth spins or rotates on its axis, everything on earth would normally have been thrown out into space, (as droplets of water fly off a dog as he shakes his wet body).
          But this doesn’t happen because of the gravitational pull of the earth that keeps us from flying off.
          Now, in the incident of Joshua, we very well know that what appeared to be the sun standing still was actually the earth’s rotation coming to a stop.
          But when this happened, the centrifugal force (throwing us off the earth) would no longer be acting, resulting in the opposite unopposed force of gravity pushing everything onto the surface of the earth.
          But this didn’t happen! Because another force came into play, which opposed the extra force of gravity.
          And that force is DARK ENERGY!

A COUNTER ARGUMENT: The force of gravity exerted on an object is proportional to the size of the object which is exerting the gravity. E.g. the moon is six times smaller than the earth and therefore the gravitational force is also six times less, resulting in an astronaut able to leap six times the distance he would here on earth.
           And because man is so small, the gravitational force will remain the same and man will not be affected by the centrifugal forces being neutralized when the earth stops spinning.
          But how do we know this? Such a situation has never occurred for scientists to study. And if such a situation is simulated, would the results be correct?
          And don’t forget Newton’s first law of motion:
          When a body is put into a state of motion it continues in the same state of motion unless compelled by an external force to act otherwise.

SPEED OF THE EARTH’S ROTATION: Though the speed is zero at the poles, it increases and is maximum at the equator. As the diameter of the equator is about 40,000 Kilometers and the earth takes twenty-four hours for one rotation, the speed at which earth rotates is about 1,600 k.m./hr. or 1000 miles/hour.
          So imagine the earth’s rotation suddenly coming to a stop! There would be utter chaos. It’s like a vehicle at top speed breaking, not within six feet, but at a dead stop.
          And therefore there has to be some other force to counter the laws of physics that have been challenged due to the development of a situation totally new and unexpected.
          And with our present knowledge, the only force that could meet such a criteria is DARK ENERGY!

          Planets in our galaxy have to obey Sir Isaac Newton’s Laws of gravity i.e. the further they are from the centre the slower they orbit.
          But astronomers found that all stars, in distant Galaxies, move at the same speed. The only explanation was that the galaxy had more mass than one could see.

This was DARK MATTER! Its existence was proved beyond doubt by using cosmetology machines (Computer simulation), gravitational lensing etc.
          Dark matter was found to be the scaffolding on which the galaxies were built. And therefore it was considered to be something good.

DARK ENERGY: By using the Hubble telescope, astronomers came to the conclusion that the universe is expanding. But gravity should have slowed down the rate of expansion.
          But the rate of expansion is found to be increasing and that there is repulsion between the galaxies that is gradually blowing the universe apart.
          This unknown force, which opposes gravity, is called DARK ENERGY!

          Of the total mass in the universe: atoms 4-5%, dark matter 23%, and dark energy 73%.
          Dark energy appears to be growing stronger each day.
(Information from: Science Channel, Through the Worm Hole, Beyond the darkness- Episode 8).

          Therefore it was this dark energy that overcame the extra gravitational pull allowing man to function on earth when the earth stopped rotating.
          Besides neutralizing the extra gravity, dark energy caused celestial disturbance in the heavens causing the enemy to be thrown into confusion and raining down huge hail stones upon them, large enough to cause many of them to die.
          In the last few days (June 2013), in Switzerland, sudden storms and huge hailstones falling from the sky have left the people bewildered as to their cause. Any scientific connection or explanation?


      Today, if scientists could establish some connection between these celestial disturbances or changes here on earth, and the ‘physical conditions or matter that caused them, e.g. dark matter and dark energy, then by studying these effects, we could not only definitely establish proof of their presence, but predict what changes would be taking place in the future, and prepare ourselves for forthcoming natural disasters or calamities.




          This article clearly explains how two apparently contradictory situations can co-exist simultaneously and yet not clash with each other- having our destination pre-elected on one hand and enjoying the gift of a free will on the other.

          Many people feel they are pre-destined to go to heaven or to hell.   
          Strangely, these teachings are found in the Bible!   
           (A complete study of ‘time’ is detailed in the article: UNDERSTANDING  TIME-SPACE-MATTER).

See this particular Scripture verse:

          “…..For He CHOSE us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love He PREDESTINED us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance to His pleasure and will – to the praise of His glorious grace, which He has freely given us in the One He loves. In Him we have REDEMPTION through His blood……..” (Ephesians 1:3-8)      
          And so, to understand the so called ‘unfairness’ of God we have to understand ‘TIME’.                          
          We live in this dimension of time, which is made up of a yesterday, today and a tomorrow.
          But time was not always in existence. Time, like the rest of creation was itself created. Therefore time had a beginning and will one day come to an end.
          Therefore: There was a ‘time’ before the beginning of time when there was no time. And there will be a ‘time’ after the end of time when there will be no time.
         Now God, who is the Creator of everything, including ‘time’, is outside the power or influence of time, making Him Omnipresent. He is therefore able to ‘go forward and backward’ in our time bound world.
     He can not only see what is happening in the present, but can also simultaneously view the past, as well as the future.
          It’s like watching a movie. We can scroll forward and see what is going to happen, or scroll backward and see what has already taken place.
          Free will gives us complete control of our destiny, one in which not even God will interfere.
          Now, we also have a ‘contradictory’ situation existing simultaneously, which appears as though we have absolutely no control of our destiny: because some of us have been ‘pre-destined’ to go to heaven, while others have been ‘condemned’ to eternal damnation.
           But now, armed with the knowledge of God’s Omnipresent characteristic, and ‘time’, we are able to understand how these two opposing conditions can exist simultaneously, without opposing each other!

          At any given time in our lives the gift of freewill is ours to use. If, during our entire life, we choose to exert it to oppose Lord Jesus, and reject His provision for salvation i.e. the cross, then we have chosen to live a life away from Him (which is eternal damnation).
          If on the other hand, at any given moment of our lives, we choose to accept Him and His provision for salvation, then our status instantly changes, from sinner to saint. (Read: We are saints, not sinners).

          And since He is unaffected by our ‘time dimension’, our status as a saint does not come into effect at the moment we accept Him.
      And it is not only from that moment through eternity that we attain sainthood. But our status as a saint and our position in Him goes back in time, to even before creation, so that it can be said: “He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love He pre destined us to be adopted as His sons………”

          Thus we control not only our future but also our past. The moment we change our position in Christ, from sinners to saints, we change our past status from ‘pre-elected for damnation’ to ‘pre-elected to salvation.’ 

Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:




          One of the most fantastic things I have done is to change the weather of an entire city, (Bangalore, India), for thirteen days to be precise, from extreme heat, as it was the peak of summer, to a cold, windy, rainy place, just because my wife, Lalita, couldn't stand the heat.

          This is just one of the many things I have done, and all of them only in the power of the Holy Spirit.
          The reason I boast, and I boast only in Him, is because if you personally knew me, you would definitely feel that if I could do it, then just about anyone could accomplish the same.


          If you were whisked off by an angel and taken to the tomb of our Lord Jesus just before His resurrection, and asked to raise Him from the dead, what would you do?
          Simple! You simply raise Him from the dead. Because you definitely have the power to do so!
          See what Paul says in the Bible: “……and His incomparable power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms…….” (Ephesians1: 19, 20).
          If you don’t believe that you can do it then read: ‘Who raised Lazarus from the dead?’

          In part II of the article by the same name, I have listed some of the signs and wonders that the Lord was able to accomplish through me.
          In part III of the article by the same name, I have enumerated the different episodes in the Bible where ordinary men and women have done fantastic deeds; and then given examples where these very deeds could be practically used in this twenty first century world we live in.
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:




          A ‘GOD’ can be anything on which you depend totally, and where your security lies. It can be your money, your lover or anything you solely depend upon.

          The people who dealt, day in and day out, in gold and amassed their wealth in gold ingots, had put up this plaque: INGOT WE TRUST.

          There was a very rich man who loved God. On his death bed he prayed: “Dear God, please let me take my wealth to heaven!”
          Michael, an angel who happened to pass by, rebuked him saying that such a thing was impossible. Undeterred, the man begged of Michael to take the message to God. And ultimately the angel relented.
          We now see both the graciousness of God as well as His sence of humour.
          When the Lord heard the request, He sent Michael back to the man with a message: “You can bring into heaven whatsoever you wish, as long as it all fits into a single suitcase.”
          The man was overjoyed. He ordered his men to convert everything into gold, find the largest suitcase they could lay their hands on, and fill it.
          Once this order was compiled with, he lay on his bed, gripped the handle of the suitcase and closed his eyes.

          When he woke up, he found himself at the Pearly Gates, face to face with St. Peter, waiting to welcome him into heaven. The rich man quickly grabbed his suitcase and was happily marching into heaven, when St. Peter stopped him.
          “You can’t take that inside with you,” he told him.  
         However nearby, watching the fun, was Michael, who intervened, telling Peter that God had allowed it.
          Peter was mystified. This was a first for him. His curiosity overwhelmed him.
          “OK” he grudgingly accepted. “But first I want to see what’s inside”.
          The rich man, not to be outdone, placed the case on the ground, threw open the lid and stepped back proudly.
          Peter stood there perplexed. 
        Then bending down he picked up one of the golden bricks, looked up to the rich man and asked him, “So you have brought stones to pave the streets?”

          As the song goes: “We shall dance on the streets that are golden,
the glorious bride and the great Son of Man.”

          One day, when all of us believers will look around and see the riches of heaven, we will be reminded of the wealth in our banks and safe deposit vaults. And regret that, instead of it being used for evangelism and missionary work, it is being squandered away by some waster who managed to get his hands on it.
        But it’s not late now!!
       Even as you read these lines, pick up the phone and call God Channel or any other deserving cause. And rich will be your rewards, both in this world as well as in the next!
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:



Saturday, 22 June 2013




          The reason for this project is essentially because, with our modern knowledge of time and space, we are able to understand to a much greater extent the ‘strange’ phrases used in the New Testament.

          On the other hand, because of the lack of knowledge of time and space, leading theologians, without a proper insight, have come up with strange interpretations, or have even lost their faith.

          Rudolf Bultmann (died in 1976), one of the twentieth century’s leading theologians, has popularized the theory that the New Testament statements about Christ are largely ‘mythical’. Phrases like, ‘becoming man,’ ‘sending His Son,’ ‘raised from the dead,’ and ‘at the Father’s right hand,’ must not be taken literally. These ‘mythical’ statements use a pre-scientific, out dated world view to what Christ meant to the early Christians.
         Their meaning for human life today can be discovered only by stripping off the mythical form of expression. This meaning, according to Bultmann’s view belongs entirely to this world. That there is no other world for the Son of God to ‘come from’ or ‘return to.’ (These two paragraphs taken from Lion’s: Handbook of Christian belief).

(First please read: ‘Understanding time-space-matter’)

          We should realize that the phrases given above cannot be taken literally because we are bound in a world of time and space, and God isn't.
          We will have a look at the four above mentioned phrases, first in the original and then, after I have rephrased them into modern lingo.

NOTE: First the BIBLICAL passage will be given- followed by the author’s PARAPHRASED VERSION.

I: ‘becoming man’- there are several examples of God becoming man.
1) ‘The Word became flesh……………’(Jh.1:14)
     ‘God transcended into our dimension, limiting Himself in time and space, by manifesting Himself as human matter.

2) ‘…………that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God.’ (Jh.4:2b).
       ‘…………..that God has transcended into our dimension and manifested Himself as Jesus Christ by taking on a human form of matter.’

II sending His Son’: countless problems have arisen because this expression has not been properly understood.

 1) ‘But when time had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman…………….(Gal. 4:4A).
      ‘But at the appropriate moment in earthly time, God transcended into this dimension, manifesting as Jesus, born of a woman………..’

2) ‘………..God did by sending His only Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering…………’(Rom.8:3).
     ‘…………..God did by transcending into our dimension as Jesus Christ, identifying Himself with sinful man to be an appropriation for our sins.’

3) ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son………..’(Jh.3:16A).
     ‘For God so loved (the people of) this dimension, that He fully gave of Himself, to man, as Jesus Christ.’

III Raised from the dead,’
1) ‘But God raised Him from the dead,’ (Acts 13:30).
     ‘But He (Jesus Christ) transcended from the dimension of the dead by using His Godly powers.’

2) They will kill Him, and on the third day He will be raised to life. (Matt.17:23A).
    ‘They will stop the functioning of His physical body of matter, thereby forcibly sending Him off, from this dimension of the living, into the dimension of the dead and, on the third day,(as calculated by time in this dimension), He will, on His own, re-enter the dimension of the living.

IV. ‘At the Father’s right hand.’
1) ‘But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. (Acts 7:55).
     ‘But Stephen, under the power of the Holy Spirit, was able to perceive into the heavenly dimension, and discern Jesus as God, in all His glory and power.

NOTE: in Part II on the same subject, many more Scripture verses have been scientifically modernized.
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:




          Of the forty-six chromosomes that went to form Jesus, He received twenty-three from Mary. THEN FROM WHERE DID HE RECEIVE THE REMAINING TWENTY-THREE CHROMOSOMES?

           Every human being has forty six chromosomes, receiving twenty three from the father, and twenty three from the mother.
           Lord Jesus Christ, when here on earth, the complete human being, was also formed from forty-six chromosomes. He received twenty three chromosomes from His mother, Mary.
           But there was no physical relationship between Joseph and Mary, His earthly parents!
          Therefore, the question now arises-from where did He receive the remaining twenty three chromosomes?
           From God! Will be the standard answer!!


          The reason is of great importance and significance.

        What if it is able to be scientifically proved, that Jesus received the twenty three chromosomes in question, from His earthly father Joseph?

           Where would that put the fact of the Immaculate Conception? What would happen to the faith of millions of believers? 
            Would we ourselves lose our faith? Or go into denial, and blatantly deny a scientific truth?


          Genetic and chromosomal studies have progressed by leaps and bounds during the last few years.
          People who had been sentenced to life imprisonment for rape or murder were released after modern chromosomal studies showed that they were not the perpetuators of the crime.
          Similarly a little dried blood of Jesus from the cross on which He was crucified could lead to it being tested. With Satan on the rampage during the end times, one could never know what to expect.
          So my advice, prepare for the worst. And fear not!
           Because there is a rational answer!


           Even if such a situation should arise, the answer is simple.
           The twenty three chromosomes ‘came’ from Joseph. But he did not give them to Mary (as there was no physical union between the two).
           God did create these twenty three chromosomes. And even if they are similar to those of Joseph’s chromosomes, they did not come from him.

          Then how did the fertilization come about?
          The Holy Spirit either took 23 chromosomes from Joseph, or created 23 chromosomes which were similar to the chromosomes of Joseph, and fertilized Mary’s ovum with them.

          Why would it necessitate having chromosomes which were similar to those of Joseph?

           THE FIRST REASON:
           While tracing the ancestry of Jesus, the linage of Joseph, and not Mary, is traced down from David, (and Adam), as we see in the Gospel of Mathew.
          It must be remembered that according to the Jewish Law the children followed the father, and not the mother. [Take the family of Boaz, for example. Although Boaz’s wife Ruth was a Moabitess, his family was considered Israelite, including his wife].

          Jesus had to have all the characteristics of a Jew. And these characteristics are carried down from the parents to their children, through their genes.

          God declared that each living creature reproduces “according to its kind” (Genesis 1: 21 – 24), so that the children resemble their parents, and it is through this invisible molecule agent of DNA that God breathes life at His command. DNA is, quite literally, the blueprint of all life on earth. (This paragraph is taken from the article: The works of His hands in ‘Tomorrow’s World’ May – June 2013).

          So, look at it from God’s perspective. Twenty three chromosomes are required to create a human being, Jesus. A human being who has to think like a Jew, look like a Jew and, in other words be a Jew.
           But not just about any Jew. He has to have the characteristics of not only Mary, but also those of Joseph.
     And therefore, to fulfill all these criteria, God has to create chromosomes, which are similar in all aspects, to those of Joseph, and implant Mary’s ovum with them. 
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:





          To get a better picture of Who God really is, whether we see Him as the Father, the Son or the Holy Spirit.

          On one hand, we have the Biblical truth proclaimed by the Church, that there is only one God! 
        While on the other hand, in the Bible, on a number of occasions, we come across, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, being mentioned individually, or in twos and even   threes, conversing with Each other.
  (Author’s note: It would greatly help the reader to first read my article: ‘Understanding Time, Space and Matter’.)

The Christian and three gods:
           However the greatest danger is to the Christian himself, who uses the term Father, Son and Holy Spirit as though they were three gods.
           When questioned, he quickly goes on the defense, saying that he actually believes in one God, and that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit actually are three Persons in one God.
              But when asked as to how he visualizes God, he describes God the Father as an old man with white hair and a long white beard, God the Son as a young man, with a trimmed beard and shoulder length hair, and the Holy Spirit as a dove, hovering in the air.

GOD THE FATHER: Right from the beginning God revealed Himself to man as one God: ‘Hear, Oh Israel the Lord thy God is one God (the only God)’. (Deut.6:4).

 JESUS CHRIST AS GOD: There was absolutely no doubt that Jesus claimed to be God and was therefore crucified for it.
 (The term: ‘Son of God’ will be better understood after reading “Scientifically modernizing Biblical language,” which is in this blog).

THE HOLY SPIRIT AS GOD: is described as the mysterious power or presence of God.

 BASIC ISSUE ABOUT THE TRINITY: Is Jesus Christ God? Is He really and fully God? The core of the doctrine of the Trinity was and is the divinity of Jesus Christ, as well as that of the Holy Spirit!

           The rules of time-space-matter can be applied to Jesus Christ, while He was on earth, because He was a man like you and me.
           But these rules cannot in anyway be applied to the Father and the Holy Spirit because They are essentially Spirit Beings.

THE WORLD OF GOD THE FATHER: God told Moses His name,’’ I am who I am. (Exodus 3: 13). An Omnipresent God!

WORLD OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: He is the Spirit of Jesus - or Jesus in the Spirit form, outside the confines of our world, so that He can be at all places at all times,(Omnipresent), ministering to everybody, simultaneously, an attribute/ characteristic the human Jesus did not possess.

GOD (God the Father) - the one true living God (Jehovah, Yahweh):
        He created the earth (matter).
        In a time/space environment.

        Time: made up of- yesterday, today and tomorrow.

        Space: made up of- length, breadth and height.

        He created man: matter in time and space.
        Man sinned- God lost His kingdom to Satan.
        God communicated with man (Israel) - people terrified.
        God decided to become man (matter) in time/space dimension.
        And communicate with man on a one to one basis.

        God became man, and was named Jesus.
        Got the title of Christ (Greek), Messiah (Hebrew) -- Anointed One.

        In the Gospel of John:
        In the beginning was the Word (Jesus).

        And the Word (Jesus) was with God (the Father).

        And the Word (Jesus) was God (the Father).

        He (Jesus) was with God (the Father) in the beginning.

        Through Him (Jesus) all things were made. (John 1:1-3).

        Jesus came down on earth to reestablish His kingdom.

        Crucifixion, resurrection & ascension followed: Jesus ceased to be human (matter)       and ceased to be bound on earth (by time & space).

        THE HOLY SPIRIT (Advocate, Councilor)

          Presence of God (Lord Jesus Christ) continues on earth in the Spirit form as:

     A childlike explanation for the Holy Trinity
          When my son, Neil was nine and daughter, Jennifer six years old, I explained to them about the Trinity by giving them my personal example.
          I told them that I was their dad, a doctor in the clinic and a preacher in the Church.
         Was I three different persons? Definitely not!
          If you had to ask them who I was, their answer would be, ‘My dad, Dr. Mervyn is a preacher in the Church!’

Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:
