Thursday 27 February 2014




          After the death of Jesus on the cross, His body was entombed. But because He had prophesied that He would rise again on the third day, Pilate, on the behest of the Pharisees, had the tomb sealed, and a guard, comprising of Roman soldiers, posted outside the tomb. (Mathew 27: 62 – 65).

          However, the Lord resurrected on the third day! (Mathew 28:6).
          What happened was Jesus, a human being like you and me, was crucified. And He died on the cross. And His body was entombed.
          But unlike any other person, He rose from the dead, and came back to life!

          But the Pharisees, not wanting the Jews to believe that He was God, bribed the soldiers to say, that while they were sleeping, His disciples came during the night, and stole the body. (Mathew 28: 11-15).
          The result: the Jews do not believe in His resurrection. While others, although accepting Him as a prophet, do not accept Him as God, claiming that He had been revived when placed on the cold floor of the tomb. And had lived to  die many years later.
          When confronted by a non-Christian about this latter claim, I told the person two facts.
          One, that had that had happened, and His disciples were aware of this, since they had been part to this ‘subterfuge’, they would not have been willing to give their life to support this falsehood.

          History has documented that most of them died as martyrs!

          The second, why not ask God Himself! If Jesus is the Christ and the one true living God, He will definitely answer you, that is, if you are a true seeker!
           I have personally experienced this! In fact this whole blog is a direct result of the personal guidance of the Holy Spirit!
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

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