Thursday, 31 July 2014



          Christ loves us with an Agape love. And we too can love others with this love. It’s ours for the asking!


 PHILIAL LOVE: The love people have for each other: parents for their children and children for their parents, brotherly and sisterly love etc.
EROTIC LOVE: It is a sensual and lustful love.

AGAPE LOVE: This is the highest form of love and is not human but Godly.
          It can only be ours when Lord Jesus pours His love through us. 

       One of the best times it comes alive is when we love our enemies.

HUMAN BEINGS ARE MADE UP OF: A spirit, a soul and a body.
The soul itself has:  intellect, will and emotion.
Lord Jesus has said: “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” (Mathew 5: 44).
It’s an order! He gave the order. We obey!

ACTIVATING AGAPE LOVE: Jesus has said, ‘love’, which is a verb.
We are to act on it: So go ahead and love your enemy.
 But first forgive them!

HINDRANCES TO FORGIVING OTHERS: (Especially our enemies).
          The first hindrance is our emotions. We are deeply hurt. And feel that if we forgive our enemies, they will not be made to pay for their wrong doings.
           Be rest assured that those who have hurt or harmed you, will definitely not escape punishment, because God is a just God. When we forgive them, we are obeying God. If we do not, then we ourselves incur God’s wrath for disobeying His direct order to forgive.
           And what about their fate?
           Leave them to the Lord: “It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” ( Hebrews 10:31).
           We thus overrule our emotions and, using our intellect (mind), we decide (will) to forgive, and then to love them. Emotionally we may still ‘hate’ them but as we continue loving them God gradually heals us.
 AGAPE LOVE: It has to be experienced to be appreciated!
FORGIVE AND LOVE YOURSELF: Use the same methodology with yourself as you did with your enemies.
          And then use it on others.
LOVE AND LIVE HEALTHY: Unforgiveness and lack of love is the main underlying cause of mental diseases, arthritis, heart ailments, cancers etc. to name just a few.
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

Friday, 25 July 2014



          Here are simple, practical steps on how to love yourself, your neighbor, your Lord and Savior, and most important of all, your enemies!
          There is a difference between ‘loving’ and ‘liking’ someone.

          ‘Liking’ a person more and more does not necessarily lead to ‘love’. And conversely, you can love someone without liking anything about him or her.
          This helps when attempting to love even your most hated enemy, while circumventing the impossible task of trying to like the person.

LOVE: The most wonderful and powerful of all human emotions was introduced into the heart of man by the Christian God, Lord Jesus.

          For not only does He love, but He Himself is love. Love is His very basic intrinsic nature.
          Some have even claimed that the expression ‘God loves’ can only be found in the Bible!

LOVE YOUR ENEMIES (Mathew 5:44):
            The reason why we find it difficult, if not impossible, to love others, is because we just cannot stand them or their ways, or what they have done, to you or to others, in the past.

          But the Bible does not tell us to like others. Tolerate them, yes, but not like them. The Bible tells us only to love others, especially our enemies; because it is so easy to!

          There was this one person in our prayer group that I just couldn't love. I prayed about it, but just couldn't forgive this person. And what was even worse was that the Lord had told me that He had not only forgiven that person, but that He loves the person. It took me a long time, but ultimately I not only forgave, but also was able to love that person.
          That person was me!

          Lord Jesus has said: “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Mathew 19:19).
          Laugh if you can see the humor in this.
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

Friday, 18 July 2014



          LIKE and LOVE are radically two different emotional states!
          God said: love your enemies.
          He never said anything about liking them! 


          There is a difference between ‘loving’ and ‘liking’ someone.
          ‘Liking’ a person more and more does not necessarily lead to ‘love’. And conversely, you can love someone without liking anything about him or her.
          Loving your enemies: This helps while attempting to love even your most hated enemy, while circumventing the impossible task of trying to like the person.

          This was a scene from a movie. A young man approached his future father-in-law and asked him: “Sir, I would like to have permission to marry your daughter.” Their romance was known to all in the community.

          The girl’s father asks the young man, “Do you like my daughter?”
          “Like her?!” exclaims the lad. “Why, I love her! I’m crazy about her.” And goes on to say, “I am ready to swim the seven seas for her, climb the highest mountain or even sacrifice my life for her!”
          “I am sure that you truly love her, and will do all that you said, and even more. But I still ask you: Do you like her?
          The wise father-in-law knew that this young man had fallen in love with his daughter. But he also knew that it would take a lot of ‘like’ to sustain their marriage in the ensuing years.
          ‘Like’ is usually controlled by emotion. Using your act of will, you will be able to love everyone, especially your enemies. And as you practice this more and more, you will gradually become more and more like the Lord!
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

Friday, 11 July 2014



          Before you run to the kitchen to grab a carving knife, or phone your favorite butcher, please read this article very carefully!
WHAT IS CIRCUMCISION?    It’s the removal of the foreskin of the penis.

WHY IS IT PERFORMED? There are several reasons.
          In adult males it is performed because in a condition called phimosis, the foreskin of an erect penis cannot be fully retracted.
          It can also be performed for hygienic reasons because smegma, a residue which collects under the foreskin, is carcinogenic.
ABRAHAM and CIRCUMCISION: In the Bible, the ceremony of circumcision was initiated with Abraham, at God's command!

           He and his wife were too old to father a child. But when God told him that he would not only produce an heir from Sarah, his wife, who was past the child bearing age, but also father offspring more numerous than the stars in the sky, he believed the Lord. And the Lord credited it to him as righteousness. (Genesis 15: 4 - 6).
          God therefore made a covenant with Abraham, and instructed him thus: That he and every male had to be circumcised. (Genesis 17: 9, 10).

          Circumcision was the seal of the covenant!
ITS SIGNIFICANCE: Like the blood sacrifices in the Old Testament, it was a ‘type’ of the ‘anti-type’ to come, i.e. the sacrifice stood for, or reflected the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ!
           Therefore circumcision symbolically represented Christ’s redemptive work on the cross.

JEWS and GENTILES: The Jews were the descendants of Abraham, and salvation first came to them. Therefore Jesus was born a Jew. All Jews were required to be circumcised!

           Since it symbolized the cross, it was an absolute prerequisite for salvation!
          The Lord speaks of ‘death to the uncircumcised’. (Ezekiel 28:10).
GENTILES: They were uncircumcised and separated from Christ………..excluded from citizenship of Israel, foreigners to the covenant of the promise, without hope and without God. (Ephesians 2: 11-12).
             But they had a choice, whether to accept Jesus! Or reject Him!
          Gentiles, who accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, became believers!
          And like their counterpart, the Jews, they too got saved!

          "But now in Christ Jesus the Gentiles (believers), who were far, have been brought near by the blood of Christ". (Ephesians 2: 13).
          Therefore the Gentiles who worship by the Holy Spirit of God, who glorify in Christ Jesus………are the circumcision! (Philippians 3:3).
THE CRUX OF THE MATTER: Before and after the crucifixion!

           What it ultimately boils down to is your spiritual standing with God.
          Circumcision is an outward sigh of an inward change.   Therefore, if you have the former without the latter, then the whole process is meaningless!
          During the period of the Old Testament the circumcised Jew was admonished: “So circumcise the foreskin of your [minds and] hearts; be no longer stubborn and hardened. (Deuteronomy 10:16). [The Amplified Bible].
Did the Gentiles need circumcision?
          When the circumcised Pharisees (the Jews) had become believers, they wanted the uncircumcised believers (the Gentiles), to undergo circumcision!
          But Peter challenged this on the grounds that, the Gentiles’ hearts had become purified by faith. And by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, had been saved (by being circumcised in the heart), just as the circumcised Jewish believers, now Christians, had been saved. (Acts 15: 5 – 11).
          In fact, Paul, quite irritated that some falsely accused him of still preaching circumcision, told them that they should go the whole way and emasculate themselves. (Galatians 5:12).
Believers definitely need ‘circumcision’!
           “In Him you (believers) were also circumcised……not done by the hands of men (surgically)……but done by Christ (spiritually).” (Colossians 2: 11).
          Therefore there is no circumcised or uncircumcised but all in Christ and Christ in all (Colossians 3: 11).
           “The circumcised believers (the Jews who had converted to Christianity) were astonished to see that the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles”. (Acts 10: 44 - 46).
          Just like circumcision, baptism without faith is only a ritual and serves no purpose.
IN CONCLUSION: Irrespective of the group, sect, church or denomination you belong to, if you are a Christian, then you need to circumcise your heart and your mind. 

           And walk in faith! Paul, in his letter to the Romans, admonishes them that it is not just sufficient to be circumcised, but it is essential to walk in the footsteps of faith (Romans 4:12).
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

Thursday, 3 July 2014



          Because of a famine, twelve brothers, sons of Jacob, were healed physically, emotionally and spiritually.
          They obtained healing in totality i.e. in the body, soul and the spirit. And thereby became worthy of becoming the forefathers of the twelve tribes, which united to form today’s Israel!

THE FAMINE: Pharaoh had a dream which could only be interpreted by Joseph, who was then a slave. He prophesied that there would be seven years of plenty.

Followed by seven years of famine. (Genesis 41: 1-32).

          Joseph advised that, during the seven years of plenty, storehouses should be built and food conserved, to sustain them during the seven years of famine, that would eventually follow. (Genesis 41: 33 – 36).
          Because of this, he was elevated in rank to become the second most powerful man in Egypt, next only to the Pharaoh. (Genesis 41: 39 - 44).
          Joseph’s prophecy had come true!
HEALING THE BODY: During the famine, the people in the surrounding areas came to Egypt to obtain grain. And so did the brothers of Joseph.               Hadn't Joseph come earlier, and advised Pharaoh to conserve food, Joseph’s entire house hold would have perished!
         They were physically saved!

HEALING THE SOUL: Of all the sons of Jacob, Joseph was his favorite.        He had also prophesied that the entire household would one day bow to him.
          Infuriated with him, his brothers sold him to the Ishmaelites as a slave. But Joseph rose in position and helped them during the famine. Ultimately, when he revealed himself to them, they embraced and wept with joy. The brothers were now reconciled. And became emotionally one!
             They, and their families, came and settled down in Egypt.
          But when their father Jacob died, they were afraid that Joseph still nurtured a grudge against them. So they cooked up a story that, on his deathbed, their father had instructed Joseph to forgive them.
          Hearing this Joseph wept. He realized how small minded they were. They even came and threw themselves at Joseph’s feet willing him to make them his slaves.

HEALING IN THE SPIRIT: Joseph had not only been healed emotionally, but also in the spirit. He had long since forgiven them.
          He reassured them that they had nothing to fear since he was not in the place of God, and that they were safe, and that he would care for them, as well as their families. (Genesis 50: 15 – 21).
          The spiritual cleansing of the twelve brothers began with the renewal of their father, Jacob.
          Jacob, which literally means ‘deceiver,’ wrestled with God and wouldn’t let Him go until He blessed him. (Genesis 32: 28).
              As a result God changed his name from Jacob to Israel. And his descendents are called Israelites till this day.


King Solomon temple:
          The temple built by King Solomon, in order to honor God, was the most magnificent structure ever built. The gold, silver, bronze, as well as the precious stones, that went to adorn it, were in absolute abundance.
          But where did all this come from?
     A few years after the death of Joseph, the Egyptians enslaved the Israelites. And kept them in bondage for over four hundred years, until God sent Moses to deliver them.

          But when they left, the Lord saw to it that the Egyptians gave unflinchingly of their wealth, which the Israelites carried away. (Exodus 12: 35, 36).
          “He (the Lord) brought out Israel, laden with silver and gold….” (Psalm 105: 37).
Let us learn by example. Whenever we are blessed with plenty, always keep in mind the famines and trying times that usually follow!
Dear friend,
I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at: