Friday, 25 April 2014



I want it! And I want it now!

                   Many years ago a missionary had been sent to China to spread the Gospel message. The first job he undertook was to translate the Bible into Chinese. And so he hired a local scholar, who was well versed both in English as well as Chinese. Let’s say his name is Chen.

                  So every day from morning to night the two sat and painstakingly translated the Holy Book until it was completed and was ready for printing.
                   Seeing that his real missionary work could now begin in earnest, he turned to Chen and asked him: “Mr.Chen, how would like to become a Christian?’’
                   To which Mr. Chen replied, “I don’t know what a Christian is, because I've never met one.”
                   To which the missionary replied smiling, “I am a Christian!”
                   “Oh no, you definitely are no Christian! I’ve read the Bible. A Christian is one who has love, joy, peace, patience etc. You definitely don’t possess any of these qualities. You shout at me even if I make the slightest mistake, you are anxious and upset if your checks from your Church are delayed. You definitely are no Christian!”
                   That night the missionary got on his knees, and wept and prayed, and was changed by God. He spent many more years in China and succeeded in bringing thousands upon thousands of people to the Lord.
                   When the missionary grew old and frail, he was called back to America to retire.

                   On the plane carrying him back home, was a pop singer who had visited China as part of his tour. At the airport, there was a huge crowd waiting to welcome the singer back. But there was not even a single person who had come to receive the missionary. So he felt saddened by this and said to the Lord: “This singer spent just a few weeks away and what a welcome he receives. Whereas I spend my entire life away, and there is no one waiting to receive me!”

                   And the Lord answered him: “That’s because you’re not home yet son. You’re not home yet.”
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

Sunday, 20 April 2014



          Death by crucifixion does not occur either because of the severe agonizing pain, or because of bleeding, but as a direct result of asphyxia, i.e. cutting off the oxygen supply to the lungs.                                                          


NOTE: Death by hanging occurs, not as a result of choking of the wind pipe as is commonly thought, but as a result of snapping of the cervical spine, when the person is dropped through a trap door.
ORIGIN OF CRUCIFIXION: The barbaric nations, before their conquest by the Romans, used to crucify their enemies after they had been killed in battle, in order to deter further conflict.
          The Romans, who prided themselves on being a civilized nation, went one step further. They crucified their enemies while they were still alive!

MECHANICS OF CRUCIFIXION: Unlike popular belief, the nails that pierce the hands do not pass through the palms. If this had been the case, then the hands would have been wrenched off the nails by the weight of the body, because the bones of the palm, (the tarsals), run in the same direction as the direction of the fingers.


          Rather, the nails have to pass through the wrist, proximal to the wrist bones (the metatarsals). It is these wrist bones that keep the hands from being wrenched off.
THE FOOT REST: The feet of the crucified person rest on a small wooden wedge. And we will soon see why this wedge is necessary.
KEEPING ALIVE: As already seen, death is by asphyxiation, because the crucified person, who is literally hanging by his wrists, is unable to breath. And so, to suck air into his lungs, he has to pull himself up, using his pierced hands to do so, while simultaneously lifting himself, by pressing down on the foot rest beneath his feet, feet which have also been pierced, and nailed to the vertical shaft of the cross.
          The instinct for survival is so strong that it may take several days for the crucified person to ultimately weaken, give up, and die.
          Therefore, to hasten death, the Roman soldiers often broke the knees of those crucified, so that they were unable to lift themselves up.

          The Lord was always in total control. And He said, “It is finished!” And, as His work here on earth was done, He voluntarily gave up His Spirit.
          But let us never ever forget the agony and humiliation He suffered for us.
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at:

Saturday, 5 April 2014



          There was a beautiful young girl who was in love with a nice, but poor boy. A rich young man, wanting to have this girl for himself, asked her, “I have wealth, houses, cars and whatever one could ask for. What has that guy got that I haven’t”?
          “Me!” she replied, smiling sweetly.


          Everyone wants a beautiful, sweet natured, kind, and most important, a virgin for a bride.

          And so would Jesus!
          But wherever He looked, he couldn’t find a single virgin. All were spiritual harlots!
          Because all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God!
          Therefore He decided to come down and save the wretched whore, picking her up from the filth and washing her by His own precious blood.

          I heard about a woman, whose clothes had caught fire, but was saved by the timely intervention of her husband, who had risked his life to save her. With tears of joy and gratitude she confessed that, when his proposal had originally come, she had refused. But she had eventually relented, because of the pressure brought about by her parents. 
        She now stated that, because of what he had done for her, her love for her husband had grown many fold, and she would go to any length to make him happy.

          Therefore, how much more should we, His glorious bride, the Church, love and serve Him, eternally grateful for what He has done for us.
          And we should also realize our worth; we are the chosen bride of not just anybody, but of the King of kings and Lord of lords!
Dear friend,
          I look forward to getting your feedback. Do write in to me at: